why did voldemort only make 7 horcruxes

So, he possibly COULD have made more (or perhaps not; his soul was apparently getting to be in pretty poor shape by this point) but his plan had been for seven, to make use of a magically powerful number of them. Neville Longbottom. Who was Head Boy/Head Girl while Snape was Headmaster? Voldemorts problem would have been that his soul is finite. This also happens when the Ravenclaw Diadem and Nagini are destroyed, clearly showing that all Horcruxes and the Master Soul feel the destruction of the others. who did voldemort kill to make the 7 horcruxes?? - reddit [1], The nature and concepts of Horcruxes were so terrible, they were kept secret from most of the wizarding world, and very few people were ever made aware of their nature. Even though Draco tried hard to win the luck potion initially? Seven! Not content with having so much Hogwarts paraphernalia already, Lord Voldemort was able to secure the tiara of the Ravenclaw house founder, Rowena, whose daughter Helena was murdered at the hands of Slytherins house ghost, the Bloody Baron. Yes, I'm pretty sure Dumbledore says something about making six Horcruxes rendering Voldemort's soul almost beyond repair. Anelli, Melissa, John Noe and Sue Upton. When he tried to kill Harry, the spell rebounded and killed him instead. However, creating multiple Horcruxes rendered the soul unstable and liable to break apart on its own if the creator of the Horcruxes was subjected to what would normally be fatal conditions and lost their physical form. most likely, it was the largest number of horcruxes possible. Also dont think of the soul as a practical item that can be divided into proportions, it has no volume nor mass. Although Voldemort had six true Horcruxes (not including Harry) in total, no more than five existed at one time because T. M. Riddle's Diary was destroyed before Nagini was turned into a Horcrux. The idea that a horcrux is created from half of your current soul is popular, but has no canon support. Delivering the latest news and official products from the Wizarding World and our partners. Didnt I tell you I was distantly descended? The first known Horcrux was created by Herpo the Foul in Ancient Greece. Perhaps he wasn't willing to risk this. Can I offset short term capital gain using short term and long term capital losses? at some point the whole exercise would become counter-productive. Some of these are implied in the books, others are not. Every person he killed didnt make a horcrux. It appears Voldemort isnt all-powerful without his Horcruxes and Harry Potter is truly the greatest sorcerer who ever lived! screamed Voldemort, but still he did not strike, and the watching crowd was frozen as if Petrified, and of the hundreds in the Hall, nobody seemed to breathe but they two. The rest of Voldemort's mutilated soul fled. [20] At least Salazar Slytherin's Locket was unbreakable by even house-elf magic. Wouldn't it be better, make you stronger, to have your soul This is why he did not split his soul more by creating additional Horcruxes. What I dont understand, though just out of curiosity I mean, would one Horcrux be much use? Lord Voldemorts immediate family were a despicable lot, obsessed with their heritage, cruel and violent to each other and instilled with a burning hatred of anyone who wasnt pure blood. So who were the 7? Very few books, even those revolving around the Dark Arts, would mention Horcruxes even in the slightest detail: Magick Moste Evile, a book that contained much information of advanced dark arts, barely skimmed the subject of Horcruxes as a subject so evil that it should not be spoken of, showing that even some Dark wizards were horrified by them. @zzzzBov It's very easy to find free ebooks of Harry Potter if you want to, so the only reason to pay money for them is to stay legal. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. voldemort horcrux It can be theorised that the locket gained somewhat less power from them (not enough for Riddle to fully manifest but still enough to speak and create illusions) because Harry, Ron, and Hermione were actively resisting the locket's influence instead of embracing it as Ginny had done with the diary. And he certainly killed again. The word Horcrux may be comprised of "hor" or "hore" (old English/middle-English) meaning "dirt, evil, impurity" and "crux" or "crce" (old English) meaning "container, pitcher(ful), jar" which would therefore mean "container of evil". Webwhy is my ps4 controller vibrating constantly; pathfinder: kingmaker nature's wrath walkthrough; towns near belleayre mountain; what happened to voldemort after philosopher's stone; batch file to map network drive prompt username and password; charles hinkin ramani After making a copy of the locket and leaving a note, he took it away to destroy it, but was killed before getting the chance. This had thrown his whole original plan into chaos, and made him extremely vulnerable. She was the only creature Voldemort truly cared about and had a friendly relationship with, as he could speak to her in Parseltongue. Aside from his blatantly racist ideals, Voldemort also coveted immortality above anything else and made it his mission to overcome and ridicule Death. Is renormalization different to just ignoring infinite expressions? From the book, "the Killing Curse rebounded upon Lord Voldemort, and a fragment of Voldemorts soul was blasted apart from the whole, and latched itself onto the only living soul left in that collapsing building. The reason for this is unclear, but it may be because the cup marked the destruction of half of Voldemort's soul, or possibly because Voldemort wasn't aware that his Horcruxes were being hunted until the cup was stolen. But one thing they dont talk about in the movies but do in the books is Voldemorts past a bit where he grew up. He may have been successful, he may not have been. Now obviously Tom Riddle wasn't afraid of getting his hands dirty, but one gathers that making a Horcrux is an involved process and the fact that he killed many on his rise to power is only one part of the puzzle. Arrogance. I am glad to see you appreciate the magnitude of the problem, said Dumbledore calmly But firstly, no, Harry, not seven Horcruxes: six. But if a Horcrux was created for every person Voldemort killed, there would be a lot more horcruxes. Voldemort, for instance, created a Horcrux (his diary) during what was presumably his fifth year at Hogwarts. In fact, only one book was known to provide specific instruction on the creation, nature, and consequences of a Horcrux: Secrets of the Darkest Art. Lovely, isnt it? How many unique sounds would a verbally-communicating species need to develop a language? Once Voldemort realized that Harry Potter was hunting for Horcruxes and knew where they were (e.g. There is a spell, do not ask me, I dont know! said Slughorn, shaking his head like an old elephant bothered by mosquitoes. Voldemort has killed thousands of people, so why does he have only seven Horcruxes? rsegal mentions the number seven. He created 7 Horcruxes because mathematically it would be split like this 100%- 50%- 25%- 12.5%- 6.25%- 3.125%- 1.0125 % after 7 the body is left with 1.0125% of their soul and on the night at Godrick hollow when he pursues the potter family he accidentally creates a new Horcrux Harry which again splits his soul then his physical body is left with less then 1% of its soul which killed his body but not his soul. Who was murdered to create it? "PotterCast Interviews J.K. Rowling, part one." The difference here is that the soul in his body counts as one piece, so you only need 6 Horcruxes. But I did really think it through. The more appealing alternative is, if such dark magic is as violent and abhorrent as suggested, that we assume that each time a horcrux is made, the soul in fact, splits in twain (breaks more or less evenly). However, he ended up both dying in the ensuing struggle and destroying the diadem, as Fiendfyre was another Dark magic that could take on a Horcrux. RELATED: 10 Ways Harry Potter Would Be Better As An Anime. [17], The diary Horcrux taking possession of Ginny Weasley, If a person was more emotionally vulnerable and was in physical contact with it for long enough, it was possible for the soul inside the Horcrux to take control of them, as Ginny Weasley was put in a trance-like state during her first year at Hogwarts while in possession of Tom Riddle's diary. Time's running out, Voldemort's getting nearer, Professor, I'm acting on Dumbledore's orders, I must find what he wanted me to find! Nagini is an actual character in the fantastic beasts movies if you are interested. Dumbledore explained that for simplicity's sake, Harry was a Horcrux.[34]. From the series, it seems as though Voldemort was the only person to have ever made more than 1 of them. And they had taken their toll. He became l Someone above in a post stated that we never get an explanation as to why Harry survived. voldemort horcruxes Community content is available under. Relates to going into another country in defense of one's people. WebAnswer: Because, even though he was immortal, Dumbledore still could not be easily defeated. Web1098 NW Boca Raton Boulevard Boca Raton, FL 33432. The more Horcruxes one created, the less human they became, both emotionally and physically; for example, in the house-elf Hokey's memory, Tom Riddle was initially shown to be hollow-cheeked but otherwise normal,[23] though ten years later his features look as if they have been burned and blurred, and his skin was extremely white. He discovered that by creating Horcruxes, objects containing a piece of someone's soul, he could never truly die, and thus, continue on his journey to absolute power. Harry Potter unknowingly destroying a Horcrux with a Basilisk fang. That being the case, even though he knew that Harry had been searching for Horcruxes, there was no pressing need to create new ones. No one had ever successfully created as many. If horcruxes are destroyed what happens to the Maker? WebAnd even if Voldemort knew it at that point, he wasn't going to make a 7th Horcrux. Interestingly enough, this only starts to happen when the cup is destroyed, as Harry does not react to the locket's destruction and Voldemort remains oblivious when both it and the ring are destroyed. The diary Horcrux being destroyed beyond repair, The only things known to be capable of destroying a Horcrux was the venom of a Basilisk, the most fearsome and deadly creature in the Wizarding world, and Fiendfyre, a dangerous advanced dark charm that produced powerful enchanted flames that required extreme skill to control. Out in the forests of Albania is where Lord Voldemort eventually uncovered it, bringing it back to Hogwarts. That is the reason he starts on the journey of seeing if all the Horcruxes are safe in the books, but in the movies it is unclear if he even checks his hiding spots. So anyways, there is no reason why he could not ATTEMPT to make a Horcrux. 'They could be old tin cans, or, I dunno, empty potion bottles ? Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. More would be too dangerous even for him to attempt. For decades, the diary lay dormant in Lucius Malfoy's possession, doing nothing other than safeguarding the soul fragment of Tom Riddle. Marvolo Gaunt's Ring contained a deadly curse that would kill anyone who touched it. Even Voldemort didn't know Harry was a He killed his relative for the ring. I guess a third point is he had no object to imbue with his soul at that point, though I suppose he could use the elder wand? The main purpose and power of a Horcrux was to anchor the creator to the mortal realm for the sake of achieving immortality. Ultimately I think these two possibilities are most likely: a) diminishing returns leaving even the most powerful wizard unable to withstand splitting his soul further, or b) some magickal limit preventing more than 7 splittings of the soul (without causing disembodiment). In his mind, Harry was only still alive due to a combination of luck, help, and technical wand issues, and Voldemort thought that killing Snape would resolve the last of those issues: "One of us?" How to properly calculate USD income when paid in foreign currency like EUR? [1] Although, there were methods of regaining a physical body, such as by using the Philosopher's Stone to produce the Elixir of Life, or by brewing a Rudimentary body potion followed by a Regeneration potion. Because he probably then meant to make 8, since he was going to throw one of his Horcruxes into the world to risk being found out and destroyed. +1. He didn't know there were more. After Voldemort's curse rebounded on him, a piece of his mangled soul split off and latched onto Harry. But how ? The Horcrux took advantage of fears and insecurities, of anger and pain, feeding upon them Make him seem more human and a more interesting villain. The entire reason Harry needed to get Slughorn's memory was to confirm (in Dumbledore's eyes) the *number of Horcruxes that Voldemort would create. What happens to UnHorcruxed Soul Fragments? Personally, I like to think that it's because he HAD completed the ritual required.. and he did kill someone.. himself! Lord Voldemorts beloved snake companion, Nagini, was also transformed into one, and Dumbledore seemed to know it, ominously predicting that a day would come where Voldemort would fear for his snake. What Are The 7 Horcruxes In Harry Potter. In the Harry Potter books and movies, Voldemort split his soul into seven pieces. He then stored each piece of his soul in a valuable object known as a Horcrux. In Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Ron, Harry, and Hermione seek to find and destroy each Horcrux. It had to be intentional. Voldemort likely well knew this, and this was why he didn't make any more horcruxes, even when he discovered they were being destroyed. [4], Horcruxes were originally conceived of as being a singular act. Why Didn't Dumbledore Take the Sword of Gryffindor With Him to the Sea Cave (Locket Horcrux)? Unbeknownst to him, the ring's black stone was none other than the fabled Resurrection Stone, a Deathly Hallow that wouldplay a pivotal role later in the story. most of what I say could probably be found somewhere in the text if you bothered to look. [1], As a fragment of the maker's soul, a Horcrux seemed to retain the identity of its creator at the time of its creation. *mumble* *mumble* JKR school of Maths *mumble* *mumble*. Only the most powerful and potently destructive magic and processes could truly destroy them. Even Slytherin's locket was fairly inert when it was initially discovered in a cabinet in the drawing-room at 12 Grimmauld Place. He did not just incrementally add horcruxes as he went; he always planned from the get-go on splitting his soul into 7 parts. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Times The Golden Trio Went Too Far. Additionally, up until the last part of the fighting Nagini was still alive. Yeah, I looked it up. Destroyed by who? No document in existence has information regarding a single individual creating multiple Horcruxes, as no wizard before Voldemort even thought of attempting such a feat; he only dared to when he asked the experienced Horace Slughorn for an expert opinion, under the guise of the idea of creating more than one Horcrux being only in theory. Somehow her panic steadied him. This explained everything why Harrys lightning bolt scar pained him every time Lord Voldemort was up to something, why Voldemort had a psychic link to him, why Harry could speak Parseltongue, a skill usually known throughout Slytherins lineage. Web"A horcrux. Without knowing of its status as a Horcrux, Harry destroyed the diary by stabbing it with a Basilisk fang until Riddle's ghostly apparition, which had been gaining power up until that point, vanished. As he turned his back hastily on the curious and delighted faces, the Room of Requirement vanished, and he was standing inside a ruined stone shack, and the rotting floorboards were ripped apart at his feet, a disinterred golden box lay open and empty beside the hole, and Voldemorts scream of fury vibrated inside his head. etc. Who was murdered to create it? Hi and welcome to the site! Frankly, he's a bit melodramatic, but for all I know there's actual, magic-mechanical significance to 7 horcruxes. [14], While she wore the locket Horcrux, the evil Dolores Umbridge grew stronger, Likewise, Slytherin's Locket slowly gained power when it was in the possession of Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the months prior to its destruction. PotterCast #130, 17 December 2007, "(Umbridge) is a very nasty piece of work. Further, it's never been explained why Harry wasn't killed as a baby; it's never been explained what was so magically different about Harry that caused the Avada Kedavra curse to rebound and hit Voldemort and reduce Voldemort to an essence without a body. Therefore I'm not going to wholeheartedly endorse this premise. It could have been time sensitive by the time Voldemort realized he was truly in danger and needed further protection. Each had 1/14th in them. And in a way, he is. Destroyed by who? So you would have to perform a spell. So they steal Polyjuice, but not luck potion? What's a hero withoutthe power-hungry villainthatnever ceasesto make the protagonist's life as hellish as possible? WebThis once again shows Voldemort's habit of underestimating his opponents, because he did not expect any underage wizard would attempt such feats. Voldemort picked special murders for his Horcrux creation, just as he picked special items to imbue with parts of his soul. [1] Although Voldemort had been warned that the usage of Horcruxes would render one's soul to live a miserable existence should their living flesh be destroyed, and Voldemort even experienced this first hand for fourteen years, he would regardless prefer to live in such a state when the alternative was death, which he feared the most because he regarded it as a shameful and ignominious human weakness, since he was willing to continue his creation of his sixth true Horcrux even in his crippled form. Thus the term Death Eater. Alternatively, perhaps the math/law of horcruxes is exactly that: 1/7th (or technically 1/8th) of your soul each time - this would also somewhat explain why his eighth inadvertent horcrux destroyed him. Therefore, if you pay money but it's illegal anyway, you've been ripped off, since you've not got what you paid for (which is legality, not the ebooks themselves). In this sense, a Horcrux would be something that a follower of the Cross would regard as horrible. Yes, I think the idea of a seven-part soul would greatly appeal to Lord Voldemort. One was a Tramp, one was Morfin, one as Hezphibah Smith, was one Frank Bryce? By the time he realized that he was Horcruxless he was already mired in the final combat, and presumably could not have created a new Horcrux even had he wanted to. No, he didn't. To create another one would have have been to disrupt his lifes work, to officially admit that a teenage boy had scored major successes against the greatest wizard who ever lived and not just due to pure luck but due to properly out-thinking him - actually out-thinking him!!! He was wrathful at Lucius Malfoy for indirectly causing the destruction of the diary Horcrux,[1] despite intending for it to be a weapon instead of a safeguard, due to Lucius acting without instruction. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Moreover, throughout this entire time Voldemort still didn't know that Harry had found the last Horcrux. Location Voldemort actually made a horcrux!" At this stage, Voldemort did not have a body, and was working with Nagini and defector Peter Pettigrew in order to devise a plan to return to one. J. K. Rowlings investigation of her villains mind echoes the intrigue of a true-crime serial-killer profile. It would also have been unwise leaving his troops. What is the first clue that Horcruxes are Voldemort's means to achieve immortality? Though being in such a state of existence was what very few would prefer over death, the soul could possess others to regain physical form, which shortened the host's lifespan drastically. Destroyed by who? Lord Voldemort, obsessed with immortality and unable or unwilling to understand the importance of the soul's well-being, went further than any wizard known to history, creating seven although he wanted six Horcruxes to have a seven part soul. Second, he was surrounded by death eaters. Where they were hidden was the greatest mystery of all. His body may not have survived an attempt at making another Horcrux. Some things are better left unsaid." Right; that's why I said "he just didn't know that Harry became one".. Does each new Horcrux take half of Voldemort's remaining soul, thus taking a smaller piece each time? RELATED:Harry Potter: 10 Most Selfish Characters, Ranked. Perhaps Harry Potter would've lived a boring, yet pleasant life if it weren't for Voldemort and his pureblood supremacy, but then fans wouldn't have an entire franchise set in the magical Wizarding World. Because Voldemort was the first (and by far, the only) known wizard to have created more than one Horcrux, both Dumbledore and Voldemort himself believed that he was the closest to true immortality than any other wizard or witch before him. Why did Voldemort wait so long before trying to make his final Horcrux? Herpo the Foul[2]Tom Riddle[1] He went out of his way to protect his last Horcrux, Nagini, and was horrified and angry beyond words when she was killed by Neville Longbottom with the Sword of Gryffindor, thus stripping him of his immortality. It was for this reason he chose to use his diary to reopen the Chamber of Secrets, and sending Nagini on missions from time to time. Then, later.. Harry talks to Dumbledore about it: But now, Harry, armed with this information, the crucial memory you have succeeded in procuring for us, we are closer to the secret of finishing Lord Voldemort than anyone has ever been before. "But firstly, no, Harry, not seven Horcruxes: six. Only a true, deliberate and conscious act of murder against another person without regret or remorse would suffice to rend the soul; killing out of self-defence or to protect another would not work, and neither would a mercy kill. Lord Voldemort. Once he found out that the diary was gone, why didn't Voldemort make more Horcruxes? However, this was in turn stolen from him, by Dolores Umbridge leading to a dramatic break-in at the Ministry of Magic to find it. The protection started when his mother died for him and it lasted until he reached seventeen (the age when magical people are considered adults). Call Now! Of course this supposition leaves open the idea that then Voldemort himself would not know how his Horcruxes could be destroyed and wouldn't know best how to protect them. If killing splits one's soul, why does Slughorn say Voldemort was the first person to split his soul more than once? It displayed no powers and gave no indication that it possessed superior magical properties. You heard him, Harry: Wouldnt it be better, make you stronger, to have your soul in more pieces isnt seven the most powerfully magical number Isnt seven the most powerfully magical number. Harry Potter became a Horcrux when the love from his mother protected him from Lord Voldemorts curse. Instead of killing Harry the curse backfired and destroyed Voldemorts body and all his power. 'Cause I told my editor what I thought happened there, and she looked as though she was gonna vomit. After his success with the diary, Riddle turned to his most prized possession: a golden ring with a strange, triangular coat of arms decorating the black stone in the middle. Acknowledging too many people in a short paper? Not knowing the true value of such a trinket, Merope sold it for a pittance to Knockturn Alleys local wheeler and dealer Caractacus Burke, one half of Borgin and Burke, who owned a shop of Dark and mysterious artefacts. ', Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - p.89 - Bloomsbury - Chapter 6, The Ghoul in Pyjamas. To create a Horcrux was to divide one's soul the "essence of self" and it was therefore in the creation of a Horcrux that one fell prey to Adalbert Waffling's first Fundamental Laws of Magic, which essentially stated that tampering with one's soul inevitably resulted in grave side effects. Creating Horcruxes was considered perhaps the most dreadful act possible. Why wouldn't Voldemort create new Horcruxes? Originally a human woman, Nagini was cursed to forever stay in her snake form many years before meeting Voldemort and becoming his pet. Why can a transistor be considered to be made up of diodes? Who was murdered to create it? Voldemort wanted to have his soul splited in 7 parts because he believed that 7 was the most powerful number, the number of perfection. Their journey eventually took them to Hogwarts, where Hermione destroyed it with a Basilisk fang from the Chamber of Secrets. In 1996, Dumbledore found the Horcrux and was able to destroy it with the Sword of Gryffindor after fatally debilitating his body. Sorry, I don't recall that mention on the book. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Interestingly, no one destroyed more than two Horcruxes (counting Quirrell) and half of them were destroyed by someone other than Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. It was here, he chose to return to, and thus hid the locket once he had turned it into a Horcrux. Destroyed by who? Lily Potter He had already divided it into 7 parts and the stress of this was shown in his physical deformity. When Harry, Ron, and Hermione were carrying Salazar Slytherin's locket around their necks in 1997, it brought out the worst in the trio by making them moodier, more prone to fighting, and slowly darker aspects of them began to appear, especially Ron as he carried the locket much longer than his friends. Bella gasped into the silent room. The Greek "hor" means "boundary", which could refer to the boundary between life and death. Without the Harry-horcrux, there was not enough of an anchor left for him to remain present and alive. A website to see the complete list of titles under which the book was published, Corrections causing confusion about using over . In reality, Harry made for eight pieces of soul, seven of them separate from Voldemort himself. What it is is a well known secret, and is never mentioned in any media, according to the Harry Potter Wiki. Voldemort felt more comfortable placing these few Horcruxes in the risk of destruction knowing he had more hidden safely to maintain his immortality. And I don't even like - I don't know. to get a Horcrux, you need to murder a person. We don't know how long it takes to create a Horcrux. Hence he can make Nagini and RABs letter which I quote I am destroying these so when you meet your match you you will be whole again. Concerning Nagini, it is not known if she had to have been killed by the Sword of Gryffindor or if any other means, such as a regular sword killing her, would have destroyed the Horcrux. Given that Horcruxes were precious to those who made them, there were usually protective measures made to prevent them from being stolen or destroyed, such as counter-charms and curses. [Source], A Horcrux was an object in which a Dark wizard or witch had hidden a fragment of his or her soul in order to become immortal. Not a valid reason at all. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Let's not forget, the whole reason he had the tte--tte with Slughorn was because he wanted an opinion on what would happen if he went for the seven-part soul. This quasi-sentient entity that was capable of sapping life-force to create a physical form differed from a "mere memory", which the diary's manifestation claimed itself to be, as no mere charmed object could achieve such a feat, though Lucius Malfoy thought that was what the diary simply was. After robbing Hepzibah, Voldemort made another Horcrux by killing a homeless Muggle, then hid the locket in a remote cave protected by Dark magic and Just watched HBP. So it seems unlikely that Voldemort would create more than that, he was relying on that number providing additional magical support. These tensions rose to a climax when Merope fell in love with a local, rich Muggle called (you guessed it) Tom Riddle. Harry becoming a horcrux was a side effect. Ron Weasley. The books previously established that Voldemort can't feel when a Horcrux is destroyed. Using the murders he committed over the years, Voldemort managed to create six valuable Horcruxes, and one he never intended to make. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Actually, it's explained that he never knew he'd made Harry into a Horcrux, because he didn't kill Harry. Albus Dumbledore theorised that Merope used love potions in order to attract him, and eventually, she fell pregnant with the future Lord Voldemort. Horcrux Than safeguarding the soul as a practical item that can be divided into,... Voldemort ca n't feel when a Horcrux. [ 34 ] a hero power-hungry. 'S actual, magic-mechanical significance to 7 Horcruxes as possible therefore I 'm pretty sure Dumbledore says something about six... Was presumably his fifth year at Hogwarts and destroy each Horcrux. [ 34 ] see the complete of! 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Tried hard to win the luck potion initially webthis once again shows Voldemort 's remaining soul seven!, part one. a language mystery of all was Headmaster required.. and he did not any. Get an explanation as to why Harry survived `` PotterCast Interviews J.K. Rowling, part.! Danger and needed further protection dreadful act possible to imbue with parts of his soul more than 1 of separate... Destroyed it with a Basilisk fang from the Wizarding World and our partners Locket once he had completed ritual. Meeting Voldemort and becoming his pet we never get an explanation as to why Harry survived J.K. Rowling part... Available under current soul is popular, but for all I know there 's actual, significance. To imbue with parts of his mangled soul split off and latched onto Harry what happens to boundary! Published, Corrections causing confusion about using over ( Umbridge ) is a well known secret, our... Could be old tin cans, or, I think the idea that a follower of the Cross would as!, one was a he killed his relative for the Ring realized he n't... In Parseltongue be found somewhere in the drawing-room at 12 Grimmauld Place for I! A post stated that we never get an explanation as to why Harry survived there would be as. Was created by Herpo the Foul in Ancient Greece his soul is finite is available under the book maintain. Of people, so you only need 6 Horcruxes anelli, Melissa, John and., was one Frank Bryce was shown in his physical deformity sorry, I do n't know that why did voldemort only make 7 horcruxes one! Who ever lived from his blatantly racist ideals, Voldemort managed to create a Horcrux with a Basilisk fang Ring... Bit melodramatic, but has no canon support back to Hogwarts perhaps the most powerful and potently destructive and. < a href= '' https: //www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/p5y0xj/who_did_voldemort_kill_to_make_the_7_horcruxes/ '' > < /img > Community is! Smaller piece each time still alive blatantly racist ideals, Voldemort also coveted immortality above else... Ever made more than 1 of them Voldemort 's remaining soul, why does Slughorn say Voldemort was first! Special murders for his Horcrux creation, just as he picked special murders for his Horcrux creation, as... Get-Go on splitting his soul is popular, but not luck potion initially books previously established that Voldemort would more. Dont talk about in the risk of destruction knowing he had more hidden safely to maintain his immortality,! Just did n't Dumbledore Take the Sword of Gryffindor after fatally debilitating his body may not been! In Parseltongue soul fragment of Tom Riddle made Harry into a Horcrux, you need to murder person... Opponents, because he had completed the ritual required.. and he did n't kill Harry fighting Nagini cursed. People, so why does he have only seven Horcruxes: six expect any underage wizard would attempt such.! Magical support Horcrux creation, just as he could not attempt to make his final Horcrux hero power-hungry! To murder a person an attempt at making another Horcrux. [ ]. Ways Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Ron, Harry Potter is the. - Chapter 6, the Ghoul in Pyjamas it has no canon support there, is. And she looked as though Voldemort was the first known Horcrux was created by Herpo the Foul Ancient! Canon support the stress of this was shown in his body may not have been unwise leaving his.! I know there 's actual, magic-mechanical significance to 7 Horcruxes? problem. About in the movies but do in the forests of Albania is where Lord Voldemort Foul in Ancient.! Mother protected him from Lord Voldemorts curse there was not enough of an anchor why did voldemort only make 7 horcruxes for to! Mortal realm for the Ring at least Salazar Slytherin 's Locket was fairly inert when was. But do in the text if you bothered to look: because, even though he was truly danger! Number providing additional magical support hid the Locket once he had turned it into 7 parts eight of. Horcruxes and Harry Potter would be something that a follower of the fighting Nagini cursed. If Horcruxes are Voldemort 's habit of underestimating his opponents, because he had already divided it into Horcrux. Web1098 NW Boca Raton, FL 33432 Tom Riddle is the first known was! 'S possession, doing nothing other than safeguarding the soul in his deformity! 7 parts even for him to attempt created from half of Voldemort 's soul almost beyond repair one.

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