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Challenge SNCF

lundi 18 mai 2015

Open Data

BigDataFr recommande : Des capteurs à la Data, un challenge digital SNCF
SNCF lance le Challenge Digital avec une bonne dose de capteurs, de data, d'open source et de 3D appliqués aux trains, aux gares et aux infrastructures.

Au programme

12 challenges répartis en quatre thématiques; 12 entreprises présélectionnées et réunies durant Futur-en-Seine, 4 entreprises sélectionnées fin juin et des contrats d'expérimentation avec à la clé une enveloppe globale de 200 000 euros.

Le Challenge Digital s'accompagne de plusieurs étapes en France :
Dernière date disponible : 18 mai 2015 à Cap Science (Bordeaux)
Plus d'informations sur le Challenge Digital SNCF


[#DataScientist] Keyrus Belgium launches International Data Scientist Program with a 6-week boot camp – Brussels – London

lundi 18 mai 2015


Keyrus Group to train and recruit 50 top-level data scientists

In the continuity of the development of its consulting and R&D activities in Big Data and Data Science, Keyrus Group announces an ambitious Data Scientist Program to fill numerous vacancies.

Despite the hype around data science, recruiting top-level data scientists in today’s market remains a challenge. They are few and far between and there are only limited academic programs available. This is why Keyrus, an international player in the field of Data Intelligence, Digital Development and Management Consulting & Transformation, has developed an international boot camp allowing the most skilled young graduates and PhD’s to put their knowledge into practice in a professional setting.

The targeted candidates are primarily graduates with a master or PhD degree in IT, Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Science, Engineering, Operations Research or related fields. The boot camp is spread over six modules (ranging from the Data Intelligence Foundations to the building of a business case), and is taking place in Brussels and London.

More information


[BigData - O'R - Strata + Hadoop World London] Data Science in 3D with Autodesk's Mike Haley

mardi 12 mai 2015

'Data science provides a better way to take on design problems'
“How does nature do design? Mike Haley, senior director of emerging products and technology at Autodesk, says it finds the best existing solution to a problem and iterates from there. Yet, human designers don’t often work this way; they instead start designs from scratch. Haley discusses the Design Graph, a machine-learning system that helps designers tackle design challenges by accessing past designs and components.'"'
Watch video


[BigData -] Data Scientist : le métier le plus attrayant du XXIe siècle ?

mardi 12 mai 2015

"Dans le sillage du Big Data, que recouvre au juste le terme de "Data Scientist" ? Quelles sont ses compétences ? Pourquoi ces profils seront-ils très recherchés ces prochaines années ?"
Lire l'article
Par Bruno Labidoire


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