[Dataconomy] BigDataFr recommends: 4 steps to neutralize a data scientist’s biggest threat #datascientist

BigDataFr recommends: 4 steps to neutralize a data scientist’s biggest threat

[…]There’s a scourge terrorizing data scientists and data science departments across the dataland. This plague infects even the best data scientists, causing missed deadlines, overrun budgets and undermined analyses. I call this beast “The Munge Monster.”

The “Munge Monster” is the part of exploratory data that (most) data science courses never fully prepare you for. The “Munge Monster,” put simply, is the excess time that should be devoted to data acquisition, cleaning, exploring, and summarizing that you didn’t budget for when anticipating your beautifully straightforward three dimensional principal component analysis graph or your nicely trimmed decision tree. […]

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By Dave Goodsmith
Source: dataconomy.com

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