[SPECIAL ChatGPT] Evolution or Revolution?

►A Tech Race Begins as Microsoft Adds A.I. to Its Search Engine Amid the tech industry’s worst slump in decades, industry leaders are predicting an era built on new chatbots and other types of artificial intelligence. By Cade Metz and Karen Weise Source: nytimes.com ►An important next step on our AI journey By Sundar Pichai, CEO of Google and Alphabet Source: blog.google ►Scientists, don’t let your writing resemble something you pulled out of your bot By Adam Ruben Source: science.org ►What ChatGPT and generative AI mean for science Researchers are excited but apprehensive about the latest advances in artificial intelligence. By Chris Stokel-Walker & Richard Van Noorden Source: nature.com ► Comparing scientific abstracts generated by ChatGPT to original abstracts using an artificial intelligence output detector, plagiarism detector, and blinded human reviewers By Catherine A. Gao, Frederick M. Howard, Nikolay S. Markov, Emma C. Dyer, Siddhi Ramesh, Yuan Luo, Alexander T. Pearson Source: biorxiv.org ►ChatGPT is ‘not particularly innovative,’ and ‘nothing revolutionary’, says Meta’s chief AI scientist Yann LeCun The public perceives OpenAI’s ChatGPT as revolutionary, but the same techniques are being used and the same kind of work is going on at many research labs, says the deep learning pioneer. By Tiernan Ray Source: zdnet.com |
Before we reach Human-Level AI (HLAI), we will have to reach Cat-Level & Dog-Level AI.
We are nowhere near that.
We are still missing something big.
LLM’s linguistic abilities notwithstanding.
A house cat has way more common sense and understanding of the world than any LLM.— Yann LeCun (@ylecun) February 5, 2023
Language abilities != Thinking.
Or why LLMs such as ChatGPT can eloquently spew complete nonsense.
Their grasp of reality is very superficial.https://t.co/rT2XhJB72GThis piece in the Atlantic comments on a paper by the MIT Cognitive Science crowd https://t.co/Q4OPaMnUKW
— Yann LeCun (@ylecun) February 1, 2023
From the head of product at OpenAI who just left OpenAI. https://t.co/gpwGCBrvWi
— Yann LeCun (@ylecun) January 31, 2023
►Stay tuned for more information on ChatGPT