[L’OBS] BigDataFr recommande : Le big data, révolution silencieuse dans l’agriculture française

BigDataFr recommande: Le big data, révolution silencieuse dans l’agriculture française […] Odeur de ferme et produits du terroir sont-ils sur le point d’être supplantés par des objets connectés et des appli iPhone ? Le Salon de l’agriculture, qui a ouvert ses portes à Paris le samedi 25 février, se voit placé sous le signe de […]

[Backchannel] BigDataFr recommends: Inside Facebook’s AI Machine

BigDataFr recommends: Inside Facebook’s AI Machine […] When asked to head Facebook’s Applied Machine Learning group — to supercharge the world’s biggest social network with an AI makeover — Joaquin Quiñonero Candela hesitated. It was not that the Spanish-born scientist, a self-described “machine learning (ML) person,” hadn’t already witnessed how AI could help Facebook. Since joining the company in […]

[HAL] BigDataFr recommends: Data Exploration with SQL using Machine Learning Techniques

BigDataFr recommends: Data Exploration with SQL using Machine Learning Techniques Abstract […] Nowadays data scientists have access to gigantic data, many of them being accessible through SQL. Despite the inherent simplicity of SQL, writing relevant and efficient SQL queries is known to be difficult, especially for databases having a large number of attributes or meaningless […]

[Usine Digitale] BigDataFr recommande : Pourquoi la SNCF a choisi IBM et Watson pour ses projets IoT

BigDataFr recommande : Pourquoi la SNCF a choisi IBM et Watson pour ses projets IoT […] Au pays de la Deutsche Bahn et de l’industrie 4.0, c’est avec un Français qu’IBM a annoncé la signature d’un contrat portant sur l’IoT. La SNCF va en effet utiliser le cloud d’IBM et son système cognitif Watson pour […]

[Analyticsvidhya] BigDataFr recommends: 5 More Deep Learning Applications a beginner can build in minutes (using Python)

BigDataFr recommends: 5 More Deep Learning Applications a beginner can build in minutes (using Python) Introduction […] Deep Learning is fundamentally changing everything around us. A lot of people think that you need to be an expert to use power of deep learning in your applications. However, that is not the case. In this article, […]

[La Tribune] BigDataFr recommande : Startups : bientôt sept nouvelles licornes françaises ?

BigDataFr recommande: Startups : bientôt sept nouvelles licornes françaises ? […] Faire émerger des géants mondiaux du numérique devient une obsession en Europe à l’heure où la révolution numérique (transformation digitale des entreprises, généralisation du big data et de l’intelligence artificielle…) crée de nouvelles opportunités pour les startups opportunistes. Alors que l’UE s’est dotée de […]

[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Cloud-based Deep Learning of Big EEG Data for Epileptic Seizure Prediction

BigDataFr recommends: Cloud-based Deep Learning of Big EEG Data for Epileptic Seizure Prediction Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Machine Learning (stat.ML) […] ABSTRACT Developing a Brain-Computer Interface~(BCI) for seizure prediction can help epileptic patients have a better quality of life. However, there are many difficulties and challenges in developing such a system as a real-life support for […]

[Postulez !] Stage Intelligence Artificielle #ai #ibm Watson à Paris @SofteamGroup – Ingénieur d’Etudes 6 mois- Cliquez ici

Postuler maintenant Stage Lab Cognitif Softeam Cadextan – Intelligence artificielle Watson Contexte de la mission Au sein du Lab Cognitif de SOFTEAM Group constitué d’une équipe de 3 permanents et d’une communauté de plus de 10 consultants, le stagiaire participera activement à l’industrialisation de la plateforme de développement SOFTEAM basée sur le socle d’intelligence artificielle […]

[VB – Venturebeat] BigDataFr recommends: 4 keys to transforming an organization with AI

BigDataFr recommends: 4 keys to transforming an organization with AI […] In many ways, we’re close to a tipping point in the development of artificial intelligence technologies, with fleets of self-driving cars, hive drones, automated retail experiences, and more. Companies of every size now must grapple with how AI will affect and possibly eliminate their […]

[Techcrunch] BigDataFr recommends: Turn anything into a nightmare cat with this machine learning tool

BigDataFr recommends: Turn anything into a nightmare cat with this machine learning tool […] Machine learning has the potential to solve many of our regular human problems, like for instance having too few nightmarish, oddly cat-filled crude images to gaze upon. Luckily, Christopher Hesse created the edges2cats web-based tool to address exactly that issue.  The […]