[Datanami] BigDataFr recommends: Machine Learning is Everywhere: Preparing for the Future


BigDataFr recommends: Machine Learning is Everywhere: Preparing for the Future

[…] The influence and impact of machine learning can be seen in everything from our morning coffee orders to the online banking apps we use.

The technology is infusing a deeper intelligence and understanding into the applications that touch our lives, to dramatically improve our experiences. In addition, it’s helping to spawn entirely new business innovations and models, such as autonomous vehicles and virtual personal assistants.

In fact, machine learning is so prevalent and pervasive that it’s difficult to imagine an enterprise being able to survive without embracing it in the next five years. Especially considering predictions of continued global data growth. This is why it is not only important, but critical to understand the current state of machine learning and what the future holds. […]

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By Dinesh Nirmal
Source: datamini.com

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