BigDataFr recommends: >Spark Or Hadoop: Which Is The Best Big Data Framework? Excerpt One question I get asked a lot by my clients is: Should we go for Hadoop or Spark as our big data framework? Spark has overtaken Hadoop as the most active open source Big Data project. While they are not directly comparable […]
Month: novembre 2015
[L’Usine Digitale] BigDataFr recommande : Talend en course dans le big data contre SAP, Oracle, IBM, Informatica…
BigDataFr recommande: Talend en course dans le big data contre SAP, Oracle, IBM, Informatica… Talend mobilise ses forces. La pépite française d’intégration et de gestion des données accélère sa course dans le big data, le marché le plus prometteur pour ses logiciels et services. Objectif : garder une longueur d’avance sur des géants comme SAP, […]
[HAL] BigDataFr recommends: Hierarchical Label Partitioning for Large Scale Classification
BigDataFr recommends: Hierarchical Label Partitioning for Large Scale Classification Abstract Extreme classification task where the number of classes is very large has received important focus over the last decade. Usual efficient multi-class classification approaches have not been designed to deal with such large number of classes. A particular issue in the context of large scale […]
[Decideo] BigDataFr recommande : L’analyste de « Mégadonnées ou Big Data » doit se méfier de son enthousiasme
BigDataFr recommande: L’analyste de « Mégadonnées ou Big Data » doit se méfier de son enthousiasme […] Depuis deux ans, le groupe AXA ne cesse de multiplier les initiatives dans le domaine des Big Data : création d’un Data Innovation Lab à Suresnes, mise en place d’une chaire « Stratégie digitale et Big Data » […]
[Simplystats] BigDataFr recommends: How I decide when to trust an R package
BigDataFr recommends: How I decide when to trust an R package Excerpt One thing that I’ve given a lot of thought to recently is the process that I use to decide whether I trust an R package or not. Kasper Hansen took a break from trolling me on Twitter to talk about how he trusts […]
[LesEchos] BigDataFr recommande : AXA investit les Big Data
BigDataFr recommande: AXA investit les Big Data […] Depuis deux ans, le groupe AXA ne cesse de multiplier les initiatives dans le domaine des Big Data : création d’un Data Innovation Lab à Suresnes, mise en place d’une chaire « Stratégie digitale et Big Data » avec HEC Paris, d’une autre « Data Science for […]
[The DataCamp Blog] BigDataFr recommends: The Data Science Industry: Who Does What
BigDataFr recommends: The Data Science Industry: Who Does What Excerpt Nowadays, the data science field is hot, and it is unlikely that this will change in the near future. While a data driven approach is finding its way into all facets of business, companies are fiercely fighting for the best data analytic skills that are […]
[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Preconditioned Data Sparsification for Big Data with Applications to PCA and K-means #datascientist
BigDataFr recommends: Preconditioned Data Sparsification for Big Data with Applications to PCA and K-means Excerpt We analyze a compression scheme for large data sets that randomly keeps a small percentage of the components of each data sample. The benefit is that the output is a sparse matrix and therefore subsequent processing, such as PCA or […]
[Rue89] BigDataFr recommande : La revanche du big data – Harvard plus forte que Google pour prédire la grippe
BigDataFr recommande : La revanche du big data – Harvard plus forte que Google pour prédire la grippe Des chercheurs de la prestigieuse université américaine ont conçu un modèle statistique deux fois plus efficace que la méthode Google. Le géant de l’Internet avait fermé cet été son projet, dont les prédictions avaient tourné au flop. […]
[CIO] BigDataFr recommends: IDC says big data spending to hit $48.6 billion in 2019
BigDataFr recommends: How big data is changing the database landscape for good The market for big data technology and services will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23 percent through 2019, according to a forecast issued by research firm International Data Corp. (IDC) on Monday. IDC predicts annual spending will reach $48.6 […]