[Informationweek] BigDataFr recommends: 8 Critical Elements Of A Successful Data Integration Strategy

BigDataFr recommends: 8 Critical Elements Of A Successful Data Integration Strategy […] Data integration is more important than ever as organizations look to leverage the data they have to create greater value. Yet, the task of data integration has only become more complex because the amount of data collected, ingested, stored, and analyzed has increased. Enterprises […]

[Fastcompany] BigDataFr recommends: Where Top Talent In The Tech Industry Will Likely Work Next

BigDataFr recommends: Where Top Talent In The Tech Industry Will Likely Work Next […]  Wherever the best engineers, programmers, and designers in the tech industry go, investment dollars, successful products, and revenues may often follow. The flow of talent in the technology industry is complex, but it can also serve as a key indicator of […]

[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Correct classification for big/smart/fast data machine learning

BigDataFr recommends: Correct classification for big/smart/fast data machine learning Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Information Theory (cs.IT) […] Table (database) / Relational database Classification for big/smart/fast data machine learning is one of the most important tasks of predictive analytics and extracting valuable information from data. It is core applied technique for what now understood under data science […]

[cmswire] BigDataFr recommends: #Data Scientists vs. BI Analysts: What’s the Difference?

BigDataFr recommends: Data Scientists vs. BI Analysts: What’s the Difference? […] Business intelligence and data science often go hand in hand. Both fields focus on deriving business insights from data, yet data scientists are regularly touted as the unicorns of big data analysis. Why is this? The fact is, while many of the responsibilities, techniques and […]

[Datascienceplus] BigDataFr recommends: The importance of Data Visualization

BigDataFr recommends: The importance of Data Visualization […] Before we perform any analysis and come up with any assumptions about the distributions of and relationships between variables in our datasets, it is always a good idea to visualize our data in order to understand their properties and identify appropriate analytics techniques. In this post, let’s […]

[Analyticsvidhya] BigDataFr recommends: Solutions for Skill test: Data Science in #Python

BigDataFr recommends: Solutions for Skill test: Data Science in Python […] Introduction Python is gaining ground very quickly among the data science community. We are increasingly moving to an ecosystem, where data scientists are comfortable with multiple tools and use the right tool depending on the situation and the stack. Python offers ease of learning, […]

[Dataconomy] BigDataFr recommends: Why Employers Miss Millennial Data Scientists

BigDataFr recommends: Why Employers Miss Millennial Data Scientists […] The Great Recession may have made many Millennials more sober about their job prospects but for the most talented of my generation, the economic difficulties of 2008 hardly registered as anything more than steeper online shopping discounts. In fact, in the last 8 years, they have […]

[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Measuring Economic Resilience to Natural Disasters with Big Economic Transaction Data

BigDataFr recommends: Measuring Economic Resilience to Natural Disasters with Big Economic Transaction Data Subjects: Databases (cs.DB) […] This research explores the potential to analyze bank card payments and ATM cash withdrawals in order to map and quantify how people are impacted by and recover from natural disasters. Our approach defines a disaster-affected community’s economic recovery time […]

[Madame Figaro – ITV CDO L’Oreal] BigDataFr recommande : Lubomira Rochet : « Je vois le digital comme une révolution industrielle »

BigDataFr recommande : Lubomira Rochet : « Je vois le digital comme une révolution industrielle » […] Économiste de formation, geek par passion, elle est Chief Digital Officer de L’Oréal : un job en perpétuel renouvellement. Rencontre. Madame Figaro. – Une heure de réveil ? Lubomira Rochet. – Ça dé­pend : 7 heures à Paris, 5 heures […]

[SAS] BigDataFr recommends: How to perform real time Text Analytics on Twitter streaming data in SAS ESP

BigDataFr recommends: How to perform real time Text Analytics on Twitter streaming data in SAS ESP […] SAS Event Stream Processing (ESP) cannot only process structured streaming events (a collection of fields) in real time, but has also very advanced features regarding the collection and the analysis of unstructured events. Twitter is one of the […]