BigDataFr recommends: Innovative and applied research on big data platforms of smart heritage KEY WORDS: Smart heritage, Big data, Explanation ABSTRACT Big data has huge commercial value and potential. Under the background of big data, a heritage site is faced with a number of questions and challenges such as, how to accelerate industrial innovation, benign […]
Devenir DataScientist
[usine-digitale] BigDataFr recommande : La vérité sur l’emploi des jeunes diplômés dans le numérique
BigDataFr recommande : La vérité sur l’emploi des jeunes diplômés dans le numérique Comme chaque année, l’association pour l’emploi des cadres (Apec) publie à la fin du mois de septembre une enquête sur l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes diplômés, soit sur la situation professionnelle des Bac+5 et plus diplômés en 2014. Focus sur la situation des […]
[Techcrunch] BigDataFr recommends: Big Data Doesn’t Exist #datascientist
BigDataFr recommends: Big Data Doesn’t Exist My customers always lie to me. They don’t lie about what they can afford. They don’t lie about how much (or how little) customer service they’ll need. They don’t lie about how quickly they can pay us. They lie about how much data they have. At first, I thought […]
[Theatlantic] BigDataFr recommends: Not Even the People Who Write Algorithms Really Know How They Work #datascientist
BigDataFr recommends: Not Even the People Who Write Algorithms Really Know How They Work Sometimes there’s a little crack in the web that is just big enough to catch a glimpse of who the robots running the show think you are. You might deduce, for example, that the tracking software that watches you browse has […]
[BLog D2-SI] BigDataFr recommande : Data Unlimited – comment libérer la matière première de l’Open Data?
BigDataFr recommande : Data Unlimited – comment libérer la matière première de l’Open Data? « Open Data, Big Data, API…pour faire le point sur tous ces concepts, Google et D2SI Icelab ont organisé le 17 septembre dernier la soirée Data Unlimited, une scène ouverte autour des usages et applications de la Data. Chloé Bonnet, co-fondatrice de […]
[HEC Paris Executive Education] BigDataFr recommends: Online Masterclass « Big Data- Perspectives and Challenges »
BigDataFr recommends: Online Masterclass « Big Data- Perspectives and Challenges » with HEC Paris Professor Peter Ebbes.
[L’Etudiant] BigDataFr recommande : combien gagnent les geeks ? #datascientist
BigDataFr recommande : combien gagnent les geeks ? « De 30.000 à 50.000 € annuels, brut : c’est l’éventail des rémunérations en début de carrière des techniciens du Web – les fameux « geeks » – selon l’enquête sur les salaires publiée en septembre 2015 par Urban Linker, un jeune cabinet conseil en recrutement spécialisé sur les métiers […]
[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Learning to Hash for Indexing Big Data – A Survey
BigDataFr recommends: Learning to Hash for Indexing Big Data – A Survey ‘The explosive growth in big data has attracted much attention in designing efficient indexing and search methods recently. In many critical applications such as large-scale search and pattern matching, finding the nearest neighbors to a query is a fundamental research problem. However, the […]
[HAL] BigDataFr recommends: SMART -An Application Framework for Real Time Big Data Analysis on Heterogeneous Cloud Environments
BigDataFr recommends: SMART -An Application Framework for Real Time Big Data Analysis on Heterogeneous Cloud Environments ‘Abstract The amount of data that human activities generate poses a challenge to current computer systems. Big data processing techniques are evolving to address this challenge, with analysis increasingly being performed using cloud-based systems. […] SMART offers a framework […]
[IBM] BigDataFr recommends: BigDataFr recommends: Do data scientists need data management
BigDataFr recommends: Do data scientists need data management ‘Data scientists are a little different. But they can be integrated into an analytics team and managed when their needs are well understood. Data scientists typically tend to use different analytical tools, work with data that is formatted differently, follow different work patterns and have different educational […]