BigDataFr recommends: How data analytics helps managers be more effective ‘Big data analysis is helping organizations better analyze their customers, predict the competitive landscape and suss out emerging trends before they go mainstream — all of which helps companies maintain a competitive edge. But turn the lens inward, and big data can also be a […]
Devenir DataScientist
[Convention Big Data – Université Paris Saclay] BigDataFr recommande : Big Data Business Convention – 24 & 25 Novembre 2015 à HEC Paris – Inscription Gratuite !
Inscription gratuite BigDataFr recommande : Big Data Business Convention – 24 & 25 Novembre 2015 à HEC Paris Sous la haute-autorité d’Axelle Lemaire, secrétaire d’état chargé du numérique Keynote « Machine Learning »: Christopher Bishop, directeur Microsoft Research Cambridge Inscrivez-vous ! L’Université Paris-Saclay organise une Convention d’Affaires sur la thématique « Big Data » à Saclay. Il […]
[Cloudera] BigDataFr recommends: Ibis on Impala – Python at Scale for Data Science
BigDataFr recommends: Ibis on Impala – Python at Scale for Data Science ‘This new Cloudera Labs project promises to deliver the great Python user experience and ecosystem at Hadoop scale. Across the user community, you will find general agreement that the Apache Hadoop stack has progressed dramatically in just the past few years. For example, […]
[machinelearningmastery] BigDataFr recommends: Machine Learning for Programmers – Leap from developer to machine learning practitioner #machinelearning
BigDataFr recommends: Machine Learning for Programmers: Leap from developer to machine learning practitioner (a.k.a Jason Brownlee’s answer to the question: “how do I get started in machine learning?“) ‘ I’m a developer. I have read a book or some posts on machine learning. I have watched some of the Coursera machine learning course. I still […]
[Githubs] BigDataFr recommends: Exploratory Data Analysis
BigDataFr recommends: Exploratory Data Analysis ‘Here we are again, with a new episode in our series about doing data science with the two most popular open-source platforms you can use for the job nowadays. In this case we will have a look at a crucial step of the data analytics process, that of the Exploratory […]
[IDEO Design x Data] BigDataFr recommends: What Chicken Nuggets Taught Me About Using Data to Design #datascientist
BigDataFr recommends: What Chicken Nuggets Taught Me About Using Data to Design ‘It was dinnertime and my colleagues were staring into the freezer of a 48-year-old man named John. As IDEO designers, we were working with a client to develop a new line of healthy food products, and John was one of the people who […]
[First Round] BigDataFr recommends: This Is How You Build Products for the New Generation of ‘Data Natives’
BigDataFr recommends: This Is How You Build Products for the New Generation of ‘Data Natives’ ‘Imagine a major intersection where all the innovation taking place in data analytics and all the advances in hardware meet. It would look a lot like Monica Rogati’s job at Jawbone. As VP of Data, she built a world-class team […]
[HAL] BigDataFr recommends: Compression-based nonnegative tensor CP decomposition of hyperspectral big data
BigDataFr recommends: Compression-based nonnegative tensor CP decomposition of hyperspectral big data […]’New hyperspectral missions will collect huge amounts of hyperspectral data. Besides, it is possible now to acquire time series and multiangular hyperspectral images. The process and analysis of these big data collections will require common hyperspectral techniques to be adapted or reformulated. The tensor decomposition, […]
[ZDNET] BigDataFr recommande : Stop au non sens marketing – les vrais data scientists, comptez-vous !
BigDataFr recommande : Stop au non sens marketing – les vrais data scientists, comptez-vous ! « Voici deux points clés concernant les data-scientists : ils sont rares et la plupart des gens ne comprend pas ce qu’ils font. Et cette malheureuse combinaison (forte demande et ce côté incompris) est encore plus compliquée par l’utilisation désinvolte de […]
[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Deep Broad Learning – Big Models for Big Data
BigDataFr recommends: Deep Broad Learning – Big Models for Big Data ‘Deep learning has demonstrated the power of detailed modeling of complex high-order (multivariate) interactions in data. For some learning tasks there is power in learning models that are not only Deep but also Broad. […] The most accurate models will integrate all that information. […]