BigDataFr recommends: Exploring the 7 Different Types of Data Stories ‘What makes a story truly data-driven? For one, the numbers aren’t caged in a sidebar graph. Instead, the data helps drive the narrative. Data c+an help narrate as many types of stories as there are angles. My colleague Ben Jones of Tableau Public inspired me […]
Devenir DataScientist
[Rue89] BigDataFr recommande : Bientôt à Paris, une très singulière – université
BigDataFr recommande : Bientôt à Paris, une très singulière – université « Si vous faites passer une interro sur les NBIC [nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, informatique et sciences cognitives, ndlr] ou le big data à l’Assemblée nationale, il y aura beaucoup de zéros ! » C’est Luc Ferry qui lance cette pique à nos parlementaires lundi soir, […]
[VB VentureBeat] BigDataFr recommends: How we scaled data science to all sides of Airbnb over 5 years of hypergrowt #datascientist
BigDataFr recommends: How we scaled data science to all sides of Airbnb over 5 years of hypergrowth ‘Five years ago, I joined Airbnb as its first data scientist. At that time, the few people who’d even heard of the company were still figuring out how to pronounce its name, and the roughly seven-person team (depending […]
[L’Usine Digitale] Lost in digital – Et si c’était (aussi) la faute des grandes écoles
BigDataFr recommande : Lost in digital – Et si c’était (aussi) la faute des grandes écoles « Qu’on se le dise. Le numérique n’est pas qu’une histoire de smartphone, d’email et de big data. Le numérique est la mise en réseau et en données du monde, tant économique que social et environnemental. Et c’est cela qui […]
[Silicon] BigDataFr recommande : Data Science Game – Moscou devance La Sapienza et Telecom ParisTech #datascientist
BigDataFr recommande : Data Science Game – Moscou devance La Sapienza et Telecom ParisTech […] Après un challenge Big Data amical lancé mi-mai via la plateforme et un hackaton visant à départager 20 équipes de 4 étudiants réunies en juin au Domaine des Fontaines à Chantilly (Oise), les lauréats du concours international inter-écoles* Data […]
[O’R] BigDataFR recommends: Building intelligent machines #machine-learning
BigDataFr recommends: Building intelligent machines To understand deep learning, let’s start simple. ‘The brain is the most incredible organ in the human body. It dictates the way we perceive every sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch. It enables us to store memories, experience emotions, and even dream. Without it, we would be primitive organisms, incapable […]
[MIT Sloan] BigDataFr recommends: When Health Care Gets a Healthy Dose of Data #machine-learning
BigDataFr recommends: When Health Care Gets a Healthy Dose of Data How Intermountain Healthcare is using data and analytics to transform patient care ‘American health care is undergoing a data-driven transformation — and Intermountain Healthcare is leading the way. This MIT Sloan Management Review case study examines the data and analytics culture at Intermountain, a […]
[HAL] BigDataFr recommends: A Prime Number Based Approach for Closed Frequent Itemset Mining in Big Data #machine-learning
BigDataFR recommends: A Prime Number Based Approach for Closed Frequent Itemset Mining in Big Data Abstract ‘Mining big datasets poses a number of challenges which are not easily addressed by traditional mining methods, since both memory and computational requirements are hard to satisfy. One solution for dealing with such requirements is to take advantage of […]
[L’ Express] BigDataFr recommande : Big data – serez-vous bientôt recruté par des algorithmes
BigDataFr recommande : Big data – serez-vous bientôt recruté par des algorithmes? « Qui de l’homme et de la machine est le mieux à même de choisir un futur salarié, celui qui brillera autant par ses performances que par sa capacité à s’intégrer parmi ses collègues? Une étude de la Harvard Business Review publiée en avril […]
[Forbes] BigDataFr recommends: Chasing Big Data and The Data Scientist Unicorn #datascientist
BigDataFr recommends: Chasing Big Data and The Data Scientist Unicorn ‘Organizations are collecting more and more data every single minute of every day. It’s no secret that Facebook, for example, processes 2.5 billion pieces of content and over 500 terabytes of data each day, pulling in 2.7 billion Likes and 300 million photos per diem. […]