[Medium – Nate Kupp] BigDataFr recommends: Getting started: the 3 stages of data infrastructure

data infrastructure

BigDataFr recommends: Getting started: the 3 stages of data infrastructure

[…] Over the past few years, I’ve had many conversations with friends and colleagues frustrated with how inscrutably complex the data infrastructure ecosystem is. Although not quite as bad as the front-end world, things are changing fast enough to create a buzzword soup.

As a beginner, it’s super challenging to decide what tools are right for you. The Apache Foundation lists 38 projects in the “Big Data” section, and these tools have tons of overlap on the problems they claim to address. For example, Flink, Samza, Storm, and Spark Streaming are “distributed stream processing engines”, Apex and Beam “unify stream and batch processing”. […]

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By Nate Kupp
Source: medium.com

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