[Forbes] BighDataFr recommends: Spark Or Hadoop – Which Is The Best Big Data Framework? #datascientist #hadoop #apache spark #machine-learning

BigDataFr recommends: Spark Or Hadoop – Which Is The Best Big Data Framework?

One question I get asked a lot by my clients is: Should we go for Hadoop or Spark as our big data framework? Spark has overtaken Hadoop as the most active open source Big Data project. While they are not directly comparable products, they both have many of the same uses.
To shed some light onto the issue of “Spark vs. Hadoop.” I thought an article explaining the essential differences and similarities of each might be useful. As always, I have tried to keep it accessible to anyone, including those without a background in computer science.

Hadoop and Spark are both Big Data frameworks–they provide some of the most popular tools used to carry out common Big Data-related tasks.

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By Bernard Marr
Source: forbes.com

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