[O’R] BigDataFr recommends: The O’Reilly Data Show Podcast-Alice Zheng Strata + Hadoop #machine learning

BigDataFr recommends: The O’Reilly Data Show Podcast-Alice Zheng Strata + Hadoop
Bridging the divide – Business users and machine learning experts

[…] ‘As tools for advanced analytics become more accessible, data scientist’s roles will evolve. Most media stories emphasize a need for expertise in algorithms and quantitative techniques (machine learning, statistics, probability), and yet the reality is that expertise in advanced algorithms is just one aspect of industrial data science.

During the latest episode of the O’Reilly Data Show podcast, I sat down with Alice Zheng, one of Strata + Hadoop World’s most popular speakers. She has a gift for explaining complex topics to a broad audience, through presentations and in writing. We talked about her background, techniques for evaluating machine learning models, how much math data scientists need to know, and the art of interacting with business users.

Making machine learning accessible‘ […]

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Ben Lorica, Chief Data Scientist & Director of Content Strategy for Data at O’Reilly Media, Inc
Source: radar.oreilly.com

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