[Dezyre] BigDataFr recommends: Why Data Scientists need to be good Data Storytellers? #datascientist

BigDataFr recommends: Why Data Scientists need to be good Data Storytellers?

Storytelling is data with a soul. Data Scientists are extremely good with numbers but numbers alone are not sufficient to convey the results to the end user. Being a good data storyteller is an art as well as a science.

Data Scientists take the help of various data visualization tools like Tableau to present the data in visually appealing format. A Data Scientist not only understands the data but also understands the business and the end user very well. A good data storyteller is as essential to a business as a data scientist.

Because a good “Data Storyteller” will ensure that the results from the data analysis and modelling gets imparted to the right audience in an understandable format. […]

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By Khushbu Shah
Source: www.dezyre.com/

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