[Motherboard] BigDataFr recommends: Your ‘Anonymous’ Browsing Data Isn’t Actually Anonymous

browsing data

BigDataFr recommends: Your ‘Anonymous’ Browsing Data Isn’t Actually Anonymous

[…] Researchers said it was « trivial » to identify users and view their browsing habits in purchased ‘anonymous’ browsing data.

In August 2016, a data broker received a phone call from a woman named Anna Rosenberg, who worked for a small startup in Tel Aviv. Rosenberg claimed she was training a neural network, a type of computing architecture inspired by the human brain, and needed a large set of browsing data to do so. The startup she was working for was well-funded and purchasing the data wouldn’t be a problem. But given the number of brokers out there, Rosenberg wasn’t going to purchase the browsing data from just anyone. She wanted a free trial. […]

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Source: motherboard.vice.com/

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