[Thesai – IJACSA] BigDataFr recommends: A Conceptual Framework of Analytical CRM in Big Data Age #datascientist #machinelearning

BigDataFr recommends: A Conceptual Framework of Analytical CRM in Big Data Age

CRM; Analytical CRM; Big Data; CRM Framework


« Traditionally,   analytical   CRM   (A-CRM) mainly relies on the use of structured data from a data warehouse where data are extracted, transformed, loaded  from  operation  systems such as ERP, SCM or operational CRM.

In recent years of rising big data trend, recognized shifts in E-commerce have taken place from internet-enable commerce (I-commerce), to mobile commerce (M-commerce), and now to ubiquitous  commerce (U-commerce).

As  theses  paradigm  shifts  imply  that  ubiquitous  computing improves considerably companies’ access  to information by allowing them to acquire information at anytime, anywhere.
Give this changes on data collection shifts due to ubiquitous computing, however, current A-CRM  framework  in  literature seems not too matched to this change.

There  is  only  a  handful studies published on CRM in ubiquitous computing environment fitting what big data age requires. Consequently, the objective of this  study  attempts  to  propose  a  conceptual  framework of A-CRM. Built by conceptual framework approach, this framework provides valuable directions, definitions and guidelines to practitioners  preparing  the  successful  big  data  marketing  in  big data age. »

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By Chien-hung Liu, Department of Management Information Management, National Chengchi University – Taipei, Taiwan
Sources: (IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications, Vol.6, No. 6, 2015 – thesai.org

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