[HAL] BigDataFr recommande : Valeur et Véracité de la donnée : enjeux pour l’entreprise et défis pour le Data Scientist

BigDataFr recommande : Valeur et Véracité de la donnée : enjeux pour l’entreprise et défis pour le Data Scientist. Résumé […]Les mégadonnées ou big data ont investi l’ensemble des activités industrielles, économiques et sociales. Leurs exploitations modifient en profondeur notre rapport au monde et fournissent des clés fondamentales qui permettent de repousser l’incertitude, de comprendre […]

[Usine Digitale] BigDataFr recommande : Bpifrance teste un diagnostic big data express pour sensibiliser PME et ETI

BigDataFr recommande: Bpifrance teste un diagnostic big data express pour sensibiliser PME et ETI Le Big data n’est pas réservé aux grandes entreprises. C’est pour le mettre aussi à la portée des PME et ETI que Bpifrance propose un service taillé sur mesure : le diagnostic flash big data. « En une à deux heures d’entretien, […]

[Datasciencecentral] BigDataFr recommends: All About Data Science And Big Data #datascientist

BigDataFr recommends: All About Data Science And Big Data Data Science is the system used to extract insights from data that’s mined from various sources. Using various techniques including predictive modeling, Data Science helps to analyze and interpret vast amounts of data. The people who apply Data Science to manage large amounts of data are […]

[Dataconomy – View] BigDataFr recommends: How will data science change in 2016

BigDataFr recommends: How will data science change in 2016? 2015 was a good year for data science. A cursory glance at any tech jobs board reveals the sheer breadth of companies looking for data science expertise. Technical terms such as machine learning are slowly entering the public consciousness. Many people still don’t realise how much […]

[Quora – Tips] BigDataFr recommends: What are 20 questions to detect fake data scientists?

BigDataFr recommends: What are 20 questions to detect fake data scientists? Identifying the essential skills for data scientists. I’ll stay away from code examples myself as they seem rather shop-specific and thus best designed locally, but if you want some questions, here you go. These questions are intentionally difficult and are more on the statistics/modeling […]

[analyticsvidhya – Tutorial] BigDataFr recommends: A Comprehensive guide to Data Exploration #machinelearning

BigDataFr recommends: A Comprehensive guide to Data Exploration Introduction There are no shortcuts for data exploration. If you are in a state of mind, that machine learning can sail you away from every data storm, trust me, it won’t. After some point of time, you’ll realize that you are struggling at improving model’s accuracy. In […]

[Capital] BigDataFr recommande : Big data – comment les géants du Net transforment nos faits et gestes en juteux business

BigDataFr recommande : Big data – comment les géants du Net transforment nos faits et gestes en juteux business C’était le deal de départ. Internet, c’est gratuit, mais, en échange, l’utilisateur doit naviguer entre les pubs. Sauf qu’avec la numérisation massive de la vie quotidienne – e-mails, recherches sur Google, «likes» sur Facebook, photos sur […]

[McKinsey] BigDataFr recommends: Digital America – A tale of the haves and have-mores

BigDataFr recommends: Digital America – A tale of the haves and have-mores Digital capabilities, adoption, and usage are evolving at a supercharged pace. While most users scramble just to keep up with the relentless rate of innovation, the sectors, companies, and individuals on the digital frontier continue to push the boundaries of technology use—and to […]