[analyticsvidhya] BigDataFr recommends: Comprehensive & Practical Inferential Statistics Guide for data science

BigDataFr recommends: Comprehensive & Practical Inferential Statistics Guide for data science […] Introduction Statistics is one of the key fundamental skills required for data science. Any expert in data science would surely recommend learning / upskilling yourself in statistics. However, if you go out and look for resources on statistics, you will see that a […]

[Analyticbridge] BigDataFr recommends: The Ultimate Guide for Choosing Algorithms for Predictive Modeling

BigDataFr recommends: The Ultimate Guide for Choosing Algorithms for Predictive Modeling […] There are three ways to look at data. The first is analytics. This is when you look at data from the (potentially very recent) past. Think analytics. It allows you to explore the questions what happened and why did it happen? The second […]

[computerworld] BigDataFr recommends: Dublin, New York officials cite smart-tech challenges and successes

BigDataFr recommends: Dublin, New York officials cite smart-tech challenges and successes New technology such as low-cost video motion sensors and low-power, wide-area wireless networks are now driving smart-city pilot projects to reduce energy used by buildings and to cut traffic delays. While the promise of these innovations is great, that doesn’t make it any easier […]

[analyticsvidhya] BigDataFr recommends: 40 Questions to test a Data Scientist on Clustering Techniques (Skill test Solution)

BigDataFr recommends: 40 Questions to test a Data Scientist on Clustering Techniques (Skill test Solution) […] Introduction The idea of creating machines which learn by themselves has been driving humans for decades now. For fulfilling that dream, unsupervised learning and clustering is the key. Unsupervised learning provides more flexibility, but is more challenging as well. […]

[LMI – lemondeinformatique] BigDataFr recommande : L’UTT ouvre un Mastère spécialisé transformation numérique

BigDataFr recommande : ML’UTT ouvre un Mastère spécialisé transformation numérique Après le lancement, l’an dernier, d’un Mastère Spécialisé Expert Big Analytics et Métriques et d’un autre, Expert forensic et cybersécurité, portant sur la sécurité des systèmes d’information, l’Université de Technologie de Troyes (UTT) en ouvre un autre pour renforcer les compétences d’ingénieurs ou de cadres […]

[Madame Figaro – Reportage] BigDataFr recommande : Numérique : Comment inciter les filles à y travailler ?

BigDataFr recommande : Numérique : Comment inciter les filles à y travailler ? […] L’association «Elles bougent» organisait, mardi 24 janvier, une journée de rencontres entre des femmes ingénieures dans les métiers du numérique et des lycéennes et étudiantes, dans toute la France. Reportage.

 «Levez les panneaux, le groupe big data d’un côté et le […]

[LMI – lemondeinformatique] BigDataFr recommande : Mastère Assurance, Actuariat & Big Data : L’ESILV ouvre les inscriptions

BigDataFr recommande : Mastère Assurance, Actuariat & Big Data : L’ESILV ouvre les inscriptions L’Ecole supérieur d’ingénieurs Léonard de Vinci (ESILV) ouvre les inscriptions pour son Mastère Spécialisé Assurance, Actuariat & Big Data. Trois sessions de recrutement sont prévues avec des dates limites de dépôt de candidatures respectivement fixées au 6 mars, au 24 avril […]

[@fotonower] Internship in Machine Learning/Big Data: Location Paris or Flexible (Europe/US) #machinelearning

Internship in Machine Learning/Big Data: Classification of behavior thanks Quantization and Neural Network We are looking for a skilled scientist with high capacity in development to work on new methodology using Quantization and Neural Network in order to classify behavior of users on Social Network. We uses at the edge computer vision methodology based on […]

[IRIT] Stage IoT & Data Acquisition @IRIT_UMR5505 #IRIToulouse #iot – 5-6 mois à pourvoir dès maintenant

Stage Data Acquisition & IOT Laboratoire : Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse – UMR 5505 Équipe d’accueil : Système d’Informations Généralisé(e)s (SIG) Lieu du stage : Université Paul Sabatier, 31400, Toulouse Responsable du stage : Contexte et présentation du stage Dans le cadre de NeoCampus, développé à l’Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, nous proposons […]

[analyticsvidhya] BigDataFr recommends: 19 MOOCs on Mathematics & Statistics for Data Science & Machine Learning

BigDataFr recommends: 19 MOOCs on Mathematics & Statistics for Data Science & Machine Learning […] Introduction Mathematics & Statistics are the founding steps for data science and machine learning. Most of the successful data scientists I know of, come from one of these areas – computer science, applied mathematics & statistics or economics. If you wish to […]