[EducPros – Gilles Babinet] BigDataFr recommends : Accelerating the Teaching Transformation

BigDataFr recommends : Accelerating the Teaching Transformation […] Gilles Babinet, France’s digital champion at the European Commission, maintains that French higher education needs to speed up its digital transformation. He urges schools to kick things into gear by breaking some rules in favor of experimentation. We spoke with Babinet to find out more. Sylvie Lecherbonnier: […]

[Les Echos] BigDataFr recommande : Révolution numérique : les métiers les plus menacés

BigDataFr recommande : Révolution numérique : les métiers les plus menacés […] Robotique, intelligence artificielle, Internet des objets ou encore Big Data : le Conseil d’orientation pour l’emploi (COE) se jette à son tour dans le difficile exercice consistant à évaluer l’impact de ces technologies très en vogue sur le marché du travail. Combien de destructions […]

[Techcrunch] BigDataFr recommends: Facebook’s advice to students interested in artificial intelligence

BigDataFr recommends: Facebook’s advice to students interested in artificial intelligence […] Math. Math. Oh and perhaps some more math. That’s the gist of the advice to students interested in AI from Facebook’s Yann LeCun and Joaquin Quiñonero Candela

 who run the company’s Artificial Intelligence Lab and Applied Machine Learning group respectively. Tech companies often advocate […]

[Cloudera] BigDataFr recommends: Common Probability Distributions: The Data Scientist’s Crib Sheet

BigDataFr recommends: Common Probability Distributions: The Data Scientist’s Crib Sheet Data scientists have hundreds of probability distributions from which to choose. Where to start? […] Data science, whatever it may be, remains a big deal. “A data scientist is better at statistics than any software engineer,” you may overhear a pundit say, at your local […]

[Google Research Blog] BigDataFr recommends: Enhance! RAISR Sharp Images with Machine Learning

BigDataFr recommends: Enhance! RAISR Sharp Images with Machine Learning Everyday the web is used to share and store millions of pictures, enabling one to explore the world, research new topics of interest, or even share a vacation with friends and family. However, many of these images are either limited by the resolution of the device […]

[HBR] BigDataFr recommends: The Competitive Landscape for Machine Intelligence

BigDataFr recommends: The Competitive Landscape for Machine Intelligence […] Three years ago, our venture capital firm began studying startups in artificial intelligence. AI felt misunderstood, burdened by expectations from science fiction, and so for the last two years we’ve tried to capture the most-important startups in the space in a one-page landscape. (We prefer the […]

[Educpros] BigDataFr recommande : Donald Trump à la Maison Blanche : quel impact sur l’enseignement supérieur ?

BigDataFr recommande : Donald Trump à la Maison Blanche : quel impact sur l’enseignement supérieur ? […] L’enseignement supérieur et Donald Trump : le couple ne fait pas bon ménage. Pendant toute la campagne, le monde universitaire américain a observé le milliardaire avec effroi. De son côté, Donald Trump a peu évoqué ces questions, à […]