Les Formations supérieures Big Data Incontournables:
Ouverture MSc Big Data de l’ENSAI en septembre 2015 – Dernière minute : nouvelle session d’inscription
New MSc Master Big Data ENSAI – Data Scientist: New session Deadline: April 26th, 2015
Avec son Master of Science Big Data, l’ENSAI entend répondre aux besoins croissants de nombreux secteurs d’activité
Renan DUTHION, Directeur de l’ENSAI
Suite au nombre important de demandes récentes de candidature au MSc Big Data, l’ENSAI a décidé d’ouvrir une seconde session d’inscription.
Les candidatures complètes reçues avant le 23 mars seront examinées par le jury. Les candidats recevront leurs résultats d’admission le 31 mars 2015.
La deuxième session est en cours et se terminera le 26 avril 2015 (23.59 GMT+1). Les nouveaux candidats recevront leurs résultats d’admission le 06 mai 2015.
Rappel deadline 2nde session : 26 avril 2015 (23h59 GMT+1)
Overview (en)
The demand for skills in the field of high-dimensional data processing, otherwise known as Big Data, is increasing dramatically worldwide, yet academic programs for this are still quite rare.
ENSAI is accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research to deliver a Master of Science in Big Data (known as a Master international or DNM in the French nomenclature).
ENSAI is currently the only French engineering school accredited to offer an all-English program with this unique training, combining Statistics and Computer Science.
ENSAI has many years of experience dispensing multidisciplinary training (Statistics, Computer Science, and Econometrics ), numerous international partnerships, a Big Data Academic Platform established by GENES, and a Big Data research chair financed by the Institut Louis Bachelier and the Fondation du Risque.
The Master of Science in Big Data offered by ENSAI therefore meets the very important need among corporations and organizations of all kinds for graduate-level training nearly non-existent in academic offerings on the French, European, and even international scale.
Graduates of the program are skilled Data Scientists. In addition to doctoral possibilities in research, they will have numerous career opportunities in international corporations and data start-ups.
This Master of Science in Big Data is open to students of all nationalities.
All applicants must have a minimum of 4 years of higher education (at least 4-year Bachelor’s or the first year of a Master’s). A strong mathematical and/or computer science background is required.
Master of Science in Big Data – Program Overview and Credits & Course Descriptions