[O’R – Strata + Hadoop World London] BigDataFr recommends: Data Science in 3D with Autodesk’s Mike Haley #machinelearning

</div><div style="clear:both"></div>Data Science in 3D with Autodesk’s Mike Haley

‘Data science provides a better way to take on design problems

“How does nature do design? Mike Haley, senior director of emerging products and technology at Autodesk, says it finds the best existing solution to a problem and iterates from there. Yet, human designers don’t often work this way; they instead start designs from scratch. Haley discusses the Design Graph, a machine-learning system that helps designers tackle design challenges by accessing past designs and components.' »‘

About Strata + Hadoop World in Europe (London) 2015

‘Strata + Hadoop World presents a clear perspective on the future of big data—as well as all the analytics, architectures, techniques, tools, and technologies you need to use data successfully right now. »
Sources: Mac Slocum radar.oreilly.com, http://strataconf.com

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