BigDataFr recommends: 19 Worst Mistakes at Data Science Job Interviews […] This applies to many tech job interviews. But here we provide specific advice for data scientists and other professionals with a similar background. More advice is being added regularly. Here’s the list: 1) Not doing any research on the company prior to the interview. […]
Month: mars 2016
[LeMagIT] BigDataFr recommande : Spotify choisit le Cloud de Google pour ses services Big Data
BigDataFr recommande : Spotify choisit le Cloud de Google pour ses services Big Data […] Spotify, le très populaire service de musique en streaming, envisage de migrer presque l’ensemble de ses workloads de back-office, hébergées en mode privé, vers la Google Cloud Platform. La société a d’abord envisagé de construire son propre datacenter, mais a […]
[Sciences et Avenir] BigDataFr recommande : L’agriculture à l’ère du big data
BigDataFr recommande: L’agriculture à l’ère du big data L’agriculture, c’est énormément de technique et 10.000 métiers différents à pratiquer par un seul homme. Le numérique va vraiment aider les agriculteurs à produire plus et mieux », assure Véronique Bellon-Maurel, directrice du département écotechnologies à l’Irstea (Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies pour l’environnement et […]
[Analyticsvihya – Tutorial] BigDataFr recommends: A Complete Tutorial to learn Data Science in R from Scratch
BigDataFr recommends: A Complete Tutorial to learn Data Science in R from Scratch […] SparkR, ggplot2 have made data manipulation, visualization and computation much faster. But, what about Machine Learning ? My first impression of R was that it’s just a software for statistical computing. Good thing, I was wrong! R has enough provisions to […]
[#IoT Paris] Connect Your Machine vous invite au Salon M2M / IoT les 23 et 24 mars 2016
Connect Your Machine vous invite au Salon M2M / IoT les 23 et 24 mars 2016 Paris Expo – Porte de Versailles – Hall 4.3 – Stand C17 – Pour obtenir votre invitation gratuite, appelez-nous au 01-86-86-15-15 Ou écrivez-nous à : Nos pôles d’activité Vous ne pouvez pas vous rendre au salon ? Découvrir Cym IoT […]
[Dataconomy] BigDataFr recommends: 10 Online Big Data Courses #datascientist
BigDataFr recommends: 10 Online Big Data Courses […] If you already have the skill set to enter the world’s sexiest profession, it’s a great time to be alive. For those with enough money and expendable time, there’s always the option to go back to school. But for the rest of us, hope is not lost; […]
[Customerthink] BigDataFr recommends: Data Science Skills Needed in a Big Data World
BigDataFr recommends: Data Science Skills Needed in a Big Data World Last month, I wrote about the three skills needed to practice data science. Based on a factor analysis of many different skills, data science skills fall into three broad skill areas. These skill areas are: 1) subject matter expertise, 2) technology/programming and 3) statistics/math. […]
[lesEchos] BigDataFr recommande : Les start-up américaines utilisent le big data pour booster les carrières
BigDataFr recommande : Les start-up américaines utilisent le big data pour booster les carrières […] A l’heure où le chômage repart à la hausse en France, les start-up américaines tentent de tirer le maximum de valeur des données pour faciliter la recherche d’emplois. Dernière en date: 500 miles . Cette start-up revendique une plateforme de […]
[Mc Kinsley] BigDataFr recommends: Digital globalization: The new era of global flows
BigDataFr recommends: Digital globalization: The new era of global flows Conventional wisdom says that globalization has stalled. But although the global goods trade has flattened and cross-border capital flows have declined sharply since 2008, globalization is not heading into reverse. Rather, it is entering a new phase defined by soaring flows of data and information. […]
[AFR] BigDataFr recommends: Customer data is the next banking battlefield
BigDataFr recommends: Customer data is the next banking battlefield It’s a battle set to define the parameters of financial services competition in Australia’s new « agile », « innovative » economy: control of digital customer transaction account data. The adversaries are the banking oligopoly and disruptive fintech start-ups. Their positions are ideologically opposed. Banks believe deeply that they own […]