BigDataFr recommends: Artificial Intelligence and Life in 2030 Preface […] The One Hundred Year Study on Artificial Intelligence, launched in the fall of 2014, is a long-term investigation of the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its influences on people, their communities, and society. It considers the science, engineering, and deployment of AI-enabled computing systems. […]
Month: septembre 2016
[Usine Digitale] BigDataFr recommande : Comment Saint-Gobain se convertit à l’open data
BigDataFr recommande : Comment Saint-Gobain se convertit à l’open data […] Avec le Big Data, promis, les entreprises vont enfin pourvoir tirer parti de toutes ces données produites en interne ou collectées en externe, mais qui jusque-là restaient bien rangées dans des silos et n’étaient utilisées, au mieux, que par la direction qui les avait […]
[Inscrivez-vous !] Mars 2017 : Ouverture de l’Executive Master Statistique et Big Data à Paris Dauphine
#DataScientist: L’Expertise Big Data à Paris-Dauphine dès mars 2017 Dossier de candidature Nouvelle présentation de l’Executive Master Statistique et Big Data de Paris-Dauphine Mardi 31 janvier 2017, 18h30 Merci de confirmer votre présence Université Paris-Dauphine, Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75016 Paris Service de la Formation continue : 5e étage En transports en […]
[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Human-Algorithm Interaction Biases in the Big Data Cycle: A Markov Chain Iterated Learning Framework
BigDataFr recommends: Human-Algorithm Interaction Biases in the Big Data Cycle: A Markov Chain Iterated Learning Framework Comments: This research was supported by National Science Foundation grant NSF-1549981 Subjects: Learning (cs.LG); Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC) […] Early supervised machine learning algorithms have relied on reliable expert labels to build predictive models. However, the gates of data generation […]
[ZDNet] BigDataFr recommande : Volume, vitesse et variété : comprendre les trois V du Big Data
BigDataFr recommande: Volume, vitesse et variété : comprendre les trois V du Big Data […] Pour comprendre les tenants et les aboutissants du Big Data dans la DSI. Nous autres praticiens des arts technologiques avons tendance à employer un jargon spécialisé. Cela n’a rien d’inhabituel. La plupart des corporations, confréries et professions ont leur propre […]
[JDN ITV – X Polytechnique] BigDataFr recommande : Voici ce qu’apprendront concrètement les premiers étudiants IoT de l’X #iot
BigDataFr recommande: Voici ce qu’apprendront concrètement les premiers étudiants IoT de l’X […] JDN. Polytechnique lance à l’automne un programme de formation continue pour les professionnels qui veulent apprendre à développer des objets connectés. Quel sont les profils des étudiants de ce cours ? Thomas Clausen, directeur de la formation. Les élèves de cette nouvelle […]
[Dataconomy] BigDataFr recommends: Is the Cloud Finally Ready for Big Data?
BigDataFr recommends: Is the Cloud Finally Ready for Big Data? […] Few things in technology outside of catching Pikachu on your iPhone have been hyped as much as big data. However, with any trending topic, new technology or invention that’s being called the “wave of the future,” it’s important to look past the hype and […]
[Analyticsvidhya] BigDataFr recommends: Full Solution – Skilltest on R for Data Science
BigDataFr recommends: Full Solution – Skilltest on R for Data Science […] R is the most commonly used tool in analytics industry today. No doubt, python is catching up quickly. Many companies which were heavily reliant on SAS, have now started R in their day to day analysis. Since R is easy to learn, your […]
[Datasciencecentral] BigDataFr recommends: 5 Free Statistics eBooks You Need to Read This Autumn
BigDataFr recommends: 5 Free Statistics eBooks You Need to Read This Autumn […] Did you have a good, relaxing break over the summer? Are you refreshed and re-energised, looking forward to a new start, a new you and brushing up on your data analysis skills? If so, I’ve thrown together a collection of a few […]
[Informationweek] BigDataFr recommends: 3 Characteristics Every Chief Data Officer Needs
BigDataFr recommends: 3 Characteristics Every Chief Data Officer Needs Chief data officers are capturing the attention of corporations, and in just six years the number of CDOs has soared to 1,400 worldwide from just 15 in 2010, according to research firm Gartner. And with so much attention focused on improving business decision making using the […]