BigDataFr recommends: Enhance! RAISR Sharp Images with Machine Learning Everyday the web is used to share and store millions of pictures, enabling one to explore the world, research new topics of interest, or even share a vacation with friends and family. However, many of these images are either limited by the resolution of the device […]
Month: novembre 2016
[Forbes] BigDataFr recommends: How Nike And Under Armour Became Big Data Businesses
BigDataFr recommends: How Nike And Under Armour Became Big Data Businesses […] Like the Yankees vs the Mets, Arsenal vs Tottenham, or Michigan vs Ohio State, Nike and Under Armour are some of the biggest rivals in sports. But the ways in which they compete — and will ultimately win or lose — are changing. […]
[CCM] BigDataFr recommande : Big Data et confidentialité : zoom sur Predictive World
BigDataFr recommande : Big Data et confidentialité : zoom sur Predictive World […] Le Big Data, littéralement, ce sont ces importants volumes de données que l’on est amené à partager en ligne. Et souvent, en y faisant plus ou moins attention. Le site Predictive World, lancé à l’occasion de la sortie du jeu vidéo Watch […]
[Moody’s Analytics Career Opportunity] Software Engineer IT Finance – #Hadoop and #Spark – English/French
[Moody’s Analytics Career Opportunity] Software Engineer IT Finance – Hadoop and Spark – English/French Moody’s is an essential component of the global capital markets, providing credit ratings, research, tools and analysis that contribute to transparent and integrated financial markets. Moody’s Corporation (NYSE: MCO) is the parent company of Moody’s Investors Service, which provides credit ratings […]
[Le Monde] BigDataFr recommande : Face aux majors du Web, des enseignants réticents
BigDataFr recommande : Face aux majors du Web, des enseignants réticents […] Peut-on cautionner l’implication des entreprises du numérique dans l’école ? Depuis quelques années, avec une pointe depuis novembre 2015 autour d’un accord de partenariat contesté avec Microsoft, un débat se développe sur les relations entre l’éducation nationale et les acteurs privés du numérique. […]
[HBR] BigDataFr recommends: The Competitive Landscape for Machine Intelligence
BigDataFr recommends: The Competitive Landscape for Machine Intelligence […] Three years ago, our venture capital firm began studying startups in artificial intelligence. AI felt misunderstood, burdened by expectations from science fiction, and so for the last two years we’ve tried to capture the most-important startups in the space in a one-page landscape. (We prefer the […]
[McKinsey] BigDataFr recommends: How retailers can improve price perception—profitably
BigDataFr recommends: How retailers can improve price perception—profitably […] As retail executives know all too well, most pricing decisions require a trade-off between margin and price perception. To avoid a “race to the bottom”—the self-defeating exercise of trying to beat every competitor’s price on every item—retailers must hone their ability to make smart pricing investments. […]
[HAL] BigDataFr recommande : Gouvernance algorithmique: Vie privée et autonomie individuelle à l’ère des Big Data
BigDataFr recommande: Gouvernance algorithmique: Vie privée et autonomie individuelle à l’ère des Big Data Résumé […] Les Big data se réfèrent à la collecte et à l’agrégation de grandes masses de données provenant de différentes sources, en vue d’en tirer des informations par l’intermédiaire d’analyses statistiques, descriptives et prédictives. L’analyse des données repose sur des […]
[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Architecting Time-Critical Big-Data Systems
BigDataFr recommends: Architecting Time-Critical Big-Data Systems Subjects: Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) […] – Current infrastructures for developing big-data applications are able to process –via big-data analytics-huge amounts of data, using clusters of machines that collaborate to perform parallel computations. However, current infrastructures were not designed to work with the requirements of time-critical applications; […]
[Usine Digitale] BigDataFr recommande : Atos mise sur le cloud, le big data et la cybersécurité pour accélérer sa croissance
BigDataFr recommande:Atos mise sur le cloud, le big data et la cybersécurité pour accélérer sa croissance […] Atos se donne de nouvelles ambitions. Avec son plan stratégique Ambition 2019, son PDG Thierry Breton compte accélérer sa croissance, améliorer sa marge d’exploitation et conforter sa trésorerie sur les trois ans à venir. Croissance de 40% en […]