[MIT Technology Review] BigDataFr recommends: The Pint-Sized Supercomputer That Companies Are Scrambling to Get

BigDataFr recommends: The Pint-Sized Supercomputer That Companies Are Scrambling to Get

[…] Dozens of organizations are shelling out $129,000 for a box that will help them train AI software.
To companies grappling with complex data projects powered by artificial intelligence, a system that Nvidia calls an “AI supercomputer in a box” is a welcome development.
Early customers of Nvidia’s DGX-1, which combines machine-learning software with eight of the chip maker’s highest-end graphics processing units (GPUs), say the system lets them train their analytical models faster, enables greater experimentation, and could facilitate breakthroughs in science, health care, and financial services.
Data scientists have been leveraging GPUs to accelerate deep learning—an AI technique that mimics the way human brains process data—since 2012, but many say that current computing systems limit their work. Faster computers such as the DGX-1 promise to make deep-learning algorithms more powerful and let data scientists run deep-learning models that previously weren’t possible. […]

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By Elizabeth Woyke.
Source: https://www.technologyreview.com

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