BigDataFr recommends: How Fitbit’s data science team scales machine learning
[…] Around the time Raj Bhan injured himself, he decided to part ways with the data team at Netflix. He’d been training for a half marathon and plucked a regimen from the web. Unfortunately, he had grouped himself into the wrong bucket and hurt his leg.
“That struck a chord,” he says. “People can suffer adverse effects from being in the wrong program at the wrong time. Fitness programs really need to be personalized.”
There’s a poetry to Raj’s injury, though. He now specializes in creating these programs (sort of). Raj heads up a data science team at Fitbit, the consumer technology company most famous for its stylish wearables.
Ingesting users’ fitness and workout data, Fitbit devices report data back to users through its suite of apps. In the case of personal training tools like Fitstar, Fitbit’s apps can even make fine-tuned fitness recommendations. And that’s no small thing. […]
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By Parker Tarun