BigDataFr recommends: A Dead Simple Tool To Find Out What Facebook Knows About You
[…] If you could measure all the information you consume online, what would you learn about yourself?
That’s the question behind the new Chrome extension Data Selfie. Created by developers Hang Do Thi Duc and Regina Flores Mir, the application gives users a peek into what kind of digital footprint they might be leaving behind as they browse Facebook—and makes the hidden mechanisms of Facebook’s data collection more transparent.
How It Works
Data Selfie collects data about what you click on (through likes and links), what you type, and what you look at, and for how long. Based on this information, the app compiles a personality profile using personality insights from the supercomputer IBM Watson and the machine learning algorithm Apply Magic Sauce and presents this « data selfie » for you to peruse. In the name of transparency and privacy, all of Data Selfie’s code is on Github, and all of the data it tracks is stored on your personal computer. […]
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By Katharine Schwab