[Intel] BigDataFr recommends: L’analyse est un capital d’avenir

BigDataFr recommande : L’analyse est un capital d’avenir L’ubiquité des systèmes de consultation de comptes en ligne et mobiles fournit aux banques des quantités phénoménales d’informations sur le comportement de leurs clients. CaixaBank*, l’un des principaux groupes financiers espagnols, spécialisé dans la banque de détail et l’assurance, collecte davantage de données que la plupart des […]

[Usine Digitale] BigDataFr recommande : Futur de la DMP : quand les robots guideront les directeurs marketing

BigDataFr recommande : Futur de la DMP : quand les robots guideront les directeurs marketing […] Face au nouveau paradigme ouvert par le Big Data, les professionnels ont très vite dû trouver une solution pour gérer et donner du sens à cette surabondance de données. Afin de nourrir à la fois leurs stratégies marketing et […]

[CB Insights] BigDataFr recommends : The Deep Learning Market Map: 60+ Startups Working Across E-Commerce, Cybersecurity, Sales, And More #machinelearning

BigDataFr recommends: The Deep Learning Market Map: 60+ Startups Working Across E-Commerce, Cybersecurity, Sales, And More […] Increased investor interest in AI startups – from around 10 deals in Q1’11 to over 120 in Q2’16 – can be attributed to recent advances in machine learning algorithms, particularly “deep learning” technology, a souped up version of AI. […]

[McKinsey] BigDataFr recommends: How advanced analytics can drive productivity

BigDataFr recommends: How advanced analytics can drive productivity Companies have more data than ever at their disposal, but are they doing enough with it? Taking full advantage requires tackling legal, regulatory, and talent challenges. To make data and analytics more than just buzzwords, companies need to think about whether they’re following best practices, hiring the […]

[Mc Kinsey] BigDataFr recommends: People analytics reveals three things HR may be getting wrong

BigDataFr recommends: People analytics reveals three things HR may be getting wrong Bill James, the factory watchman turned baseball historian and statistician, once observed, “There will always be people who are ahead of the curve, and people who are behind the curve. But knowledge moves the curve.”1 Some companies are discovering that if they employ […]

[Mc Kinsey] BigDataFr recommends: An incumbent’s guide to digital disruption

BigDataFr recommends: An incumbent’s guide to digital disruption A decade ago, Norwegian media group Schibsted made a courageous decision: to offer classifieds—the main revenue source of its newspaper businesses—online for free. The company had already made significant Internet investments but realized that to establish a pan-European digital stronghold it had to raise the stakes. During […]

[Data Science Central] BigDataFr recommends: 5 Obstacles Companies Face When Adopting a New Analytics Strategy

BigDataFr recommends: 5 Obstacles Companies Face When Adopting a New Analytics Strategy […] Analytics is a general term for a number of different processes, all of which are geared toward better understanding your demographics (or industry in general), and making improvements to your business’s infrastructure to account for those new insights. Unfortunately, whenever a company […]

[Les Echos] BigDataFr recommande : Analyser le déluge de données, une aubaine pour les grandes entreprises

BigDataFr recommande : Analyser le déluge de données, une aubaine pour les grandes entreprises […] Prédire les pannes dans une usine, calculer l’impact de la création d’une nouvelle ligne de métro sur la densité d’un quartier, ou encore imaginer la voiture de vos rêves… Autant de sujets qui peuvent être traités par des algorithmes qui […]