[Dataconomy] BigDataFr recommends: Big Data’s Potential For Disruptive Innovation

BigDataFr recommends: Big Data’s Potential For Disruptive Innovation […] An innovation that creates a new value network and market, and disrupts an existing market and value network by displacing the leading, highly established alliances, products and firms is known as Disruptive Innovation. Clayton M. Christensen and his coworkers defined and analyzed this phenomenon in the […]

[Datasciencecentral] BigDataFr recommends: Embracing Conflict to Fuel Digital Innovation

BigDataFr recommends: Embracing Conflict to Fuel Digital Innovation […] When talking to clients about their business goals, most business executives are pretty clear as to what they want to accomplish, such as reducing customer churn or reducing inventory costs or improving quality of care or improving product line profitability. But these “one dimensional” business initiatives […]

[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: A K-means clustering algorithm for multivariate big data with correlated components

BigDataFr recommends: A K-means clustering algorithm for multivariate big data with correlated components […] Common clustering algorithms require multiple scans of all the data to achieve convergence, and this is prohibitive when large databases, with millions of data, must be processed. Some algorithms to extend the popular K-means method to the analysis of big data […]

[Datasciencecentral] BigDataFr recommends: What tomorrow’s business leaders need to know about Machine Learning?

BigDataFr recommends: What tomorrow’s business leaders need to know about Machine Learning? […] Sometimes I write a blog just to formulate and organize a point of view, and I think it’s time that I pull together the bounty of excellent information about Machine Learning. This is a topic with which business leaders must become comfortable, […]

[La Tribune] BigDataFr recommande : L’enseignement supérieur français à la traîne de la révolution numérique

BigDataFr recommande : L’enseignement supérieur français à la traîne de la révolution numérique […] En 2020, la révolution numérique, qui frappe tous les secteurs d’activités, aura détruit 7,1 millions d’emplois devenus inutiles et créé 2 millions de nouveaux postes, dont une partie dans des métiers qui n’existent pas encore, indique le Forum économique mondial. Le […]

[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: From Big Data to Big Displays: High-Performance Visualization at Blue Brain

BigDataFr recommends: From Big Data to Big Displays: High-Performance Visualization at Blue Brain […] Blue Brain has pushed high-performance visualization (HPV) to complement its HPC strategy since its inception in 2007. In 2011, this strategy has been accelerated to develop innovative visualization solutions through increased funding and strategic partnerships with other research institutions. We present […]

[Google Research Blog] BigDataFr recommends: MultiModel: Multi-Task Machine Learning Across Domains

BigDataFr recommends: MultiModel: Multi-Task Machine Learning Across Domains […] Over the last decade, the application and performance of Deep Learning has progressed at an astonishing rate. However, the current state of the field is that the neural network architectures are highly specialized to specific domains of application. An important question remains unanswered: Will a convergence […]

[Dataconomy] BigDataFr recommends: How Math and Physics Majors Can Build Artificial Intelligence Careers

BigDataFr recommends: How Math and Physics Majors Can Build Artificial Intelligence Careers […] A long time ago, in January 2006, Business Week published an article entitled ‘Math Will Rock Your World” declaring, “There has never been a better time to be a mathematician.” The fact is that although this article is almost 15 years old, […]

[Les Echos] BigDataFr recommande : En négligeant la protection de données des élèves, on remet en question l’essence même des ENT

BigDataFr recommande: En négligeant la protection de données des élèves, on remet en question l’essence même des ENT Les acteurs des Environnements Numériques de Travail (ENT) l’ont alors interpellé sur la protection des données des élèves. Mathieu Jeandron s’est fendu d’une réponse expliquant que le Ministère de l’Education est ouvert aux services numériques s Les […]