[HAL] BigDataFr recommends: Implications of big data for knowledge organization

BigDataFr recommends: Implications of big data for knowledge organization Abstract […] In this paper, we propose a high-level analysis of the implications of Big Data for Knowledge Organisation (KO) and Knowledge Organisation Systems (KOSs). We confront the current debates within the KO community about the relevance of universal bibliographic classifications and the thesaurus in the […]

[ArXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Data Visualization on Day One: Bringing Big Ideas into Intro Stats Early and Often

BigDataFr recommends: A Proposed Architecture for Big Data Driven Supply Chain Analytics […] In a world awash with data, the ability to think and compute with data has become an important skill for students in many fields. For that reason, inclusion of some level of statistical computing in many introductory-level courses has grown more common […]

[Analyticsvidhya] BigDataFr recommends: Understanding and coding Neural Networks From Scratch in Python and R

BigDataFr recommends: Understanding and coding Neural Networks From Scratch in Python and R Introduction […] You can learn and practice a concept in two ways: Option 1: You can learn the entire theory on a particular subject and then look for ways to apply those concepts. So, you read up how an entire algorithm works, […]

[ArXiv] BigDataFr recommends: A Proposed Architecture for Big Data Driven Supply Chain Analytics

BigDataFr recommends: A Proposed Architecture for Big Data Driven Supply Chain Analytics […] Advancement in information and communication technology (ICT) has given rise to explosion of data in every field of operations. Working with the enormous volume of data (or Big Data, as it is popularly known as) for extraction of useful information to support […]

[Analyticsvidhya] BigDataFr recommends: 5 AI applications in Banking to look out for in next 5 years

BigDataFr recommends: 5 AI applications in Banking to look out for in next 5 years “Machine intelligence is the last invention that humanity will ever need to make.”, Nick Bostrom Artificial intelligence is a reality today and it is impacting our lives faster than we can imagine. It is already present everywhere, from Siri in […]

[CNRS Le Journal] BigDataFr recommande : La justice à l’heure des algorithmes et du big data

BigDataFr recommande : La justice à l’heure des algorithmes et du big data […] Une « justice prédictive », des contrats exécutés automatiquement grâce à des logiciels, des robots recrutés par des cabinets d’avocats… En quelques années, les innovations technologiques et numériques ont donné lieu à toute une série d’annonces fracassantes, laissant entendre notamment que […]

[ArXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Big Data Analysis Using Shrinkage Strategies

BigDataFr recommends: Big Data Analysis Using Shrinkage Strategies […] In this paper, we apply shrinkage strategies to estimate regression coefficients efficiently for the high-dimensional multiple regression model, where the number of samples is smaller than the number of predictors. We assume in the sparse linear model some of the predictors have very weak influence on […]

[The Conversation] BigDataFr recommande : Le numérique en culture(s)

BigDataFr recommande : Le numérique en culture(s) […] C’est une évidence… La démocratisation des technologies digitales dans tous les domaines de la vie privée et professionnelle rend criant le besoin de développer toujours davantage la « culture numérique » de nos concitoyens, à commencer par celle des élèves. Inondons donc les établissements scolaires de tableaux […]