BigDataFr recommends: Statistical Challenges of Big Brain Network Data […] Subjects: Neurons and Cognition (q-bio.NC); Methodology (stat.ME) We explore the main characteristics of big brain network data that offer unique statistical challenges. The brain networks are biologically expected to be both sparse and hierarchical. Such unique characterizations put specific topological constraints onto statistical approaches and […]
[Les Echos] BigDataFr recommande : Big Data : la nouvelle source de valeur qui a la cote
BigDataFr recommande : Big Data : la nouvelle source de valeur qui a la cote Toujours à la pointe en matière de technologie financière et de technicité, l’industrie des « hedge funds » a historiquement compté les premiers acteurs de la finance à utiliser des ordinateurs pour générer des signaux d’investissement, et ce dès les années soixante. […]
[Les Echos] BigDataFr recommande : Entre la langue française et les mots d’Internet, c’est compliqué
BigDataFr recommande : Entre la langue française et les mots d’Internet, c’est compliqué Faut-il dire dark net ou Internet clandestin ? Une nouvelle salve de propositions vient d’être publiée pour éviter les anglicismes autour de termes clés du numérique. Elles témoignent du caractère politique qu’a pris Internet. Entre la langue française et les technologies, la […]
[Datasciencecentral] BigDataFr recommends: The Role of AI in Assisting Customer Experience
BigDataFr recommends: The Role of AI in Assisting Customer Experience […] From being the plots of sci-fi thrillers to being seen as threats by the working populace, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has during the last few years jumped into the headlines as it has become a part of reality. People are confused – AI is either […]
[HBR] BigDataFr recommends: Only 3% of Companies’ Data Meets Basic Quality Standards
BigDataFr recommends: Only 3% of Companies’ Data Meets Basic Quality Standards […] Most managers know, anecdotally at least, that poor quality data is troublesome. Bad data wastes time, increases costs, weakens decision making, angers customers, and makes it more difficult to execute any sort of data strategy. Indeed, data has a credibility problem. Still, few […]
[France 3 Bretagne] BigDataFr recommande : Santé connectée : des applis et des implants
BigDataFr recommends: Santé connectée : des applis et des implants Une tablette numérique entre les mains, Léonard, 7 ans, déchiffre un texte pour enfants. Les lignes sont bien espacées, certaine syllabes apparaissent en rouge et lorsque le petit garçon bute sur un mot compliqué, il peut du doigt activer la prononciation voire la définition du […]
[McKinsey] BigDataFr recommends: Don’t burn the ships: Sail for a new world of manufacturing performance
BigDataFr recommends: Don’t burn the ships: Sail for a new world of manufacturing performance “Burn the ships!” The leader most often credited with the infamous command is Hernan Cortes—who, in 1519, landed on the shores of Mexico in search of riches and scuttled his ships to eliminate any notion of retreat. The phrase has now […]
[Dataconomy] BigDataFr recommends: The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Education
BigDataFr recommends: The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Education […]Artificial Intelligence has the potential to greatly improve and change education systems across the world. There is a strong possibility for artificial intelligence to be used to help teachers effectively streamline their instruction process and to help students receive much more personalized help that is specifically […]
[Les Echos] BigDataFr recommande : Alstom-Siemens : une fusion pertinente mais…
BigDataFr recommande : Alstom-Siemens : une fusion pertinente mais… Le consommateur au surmoi libéral qui rédige ces lignes se félicite de la fusion entre Alstom et Siemens. L’industrie ferroviaire repose sur des coûts fixes importants. On ne construit pas un TGV en levant quelques centaines de milliers d’euros. De gigantesques capitaux physiques et financiers sont […]
[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Improving Viability of Electric Taxis by Taxi Service Strategy Optimization
BigDataFr recommends: Improving Viability of Electric Taxis by Taxi Service Strategy Optimization: A Big Data Analysis of New York City […] Subjects: Computers and Society (cs.CY) Electrification of transportation is critical for a low-carbon society. In particular, public vehicles (e.g., taxis) provide a crucial opportunity for electrification. Despite the benefits of eco-friendliness and energy efficiency, […]