BigDataFr recommends: IoT Revenue May Reach $357 Billion By 2018 Internet of Things revenue is expected to soar 16.1% by 2019, as US companies look to leverage the technology that provides connected data sharing to remote task-oriented capabilities, according to an IDC report released Wednesday. In the years leading up to 2019, IDC says it […]
IoT – Internet of Things
[JDN] BigDataFr recommande : L’IoT rend le Tour de France plus attractif #iot
BigDataFr recommande: L’IoT rend le Tour de France plus attractif […] Les spectateurs du Tour de France, massés derrière les barrières qui longent les routes de l’Hexagone, ne verront plus passer en coup de vent une silhouette non-identifiée sur un vélo. Depuis 2015, ils peuvent connaître la position exacte des coureurs en temps réel et […]
[JDN] BigDataFr recommande : IoT : Engie va connecter l’ensemble de ses actifs industriels
BigDataFr recommande: IoT : Engie va connecter l’ensemble de ses actifs industriels Engie commence à connaître les moindres faits et gestes de ses 543 éoliennes, réparties dans six pays. « Nous avons lancé ce projet baptisé Darwin pour optimiser notre système de production et limiter au maximum les pannes. Mais le parc éolien n’est qu’une première […]
[Usine Digitale] BigDataFr recommande : Quelles compétences pour inventer les objets connectés de demain ? #iot
BigDataFr recommande : Quelles compétences pour inventer les objets connectés de demain ? […] Bien que les chiffres varient selon les sources, les études en France et dans le monde s’emploient à confirmer qu’une explosion rapide du nombre d’objets connectés accompagnera les années à venir ; leur nombre passant de moins de 6 milliards en […]
[analyticsvidhya] BigDataFr recommends: 11 Must Read Books This Summer on Internet of Things #IoT
BigDataFr recommends: 11 Must Read Books This Summer on Internet of Things (IoT) […] The massive upsurge in the availability of data in last few years have fueled this passion for breakthrough innovation. The idea of making human life faster and comfortable is the essence of discovering “Internet of Things”. This concept is fairly easy […]
[Techcrunch] BigDataFr recommends: The future of the IoT job market #iot
BigDataFr recommends: The future of the IoT job market […] Since the dawn of technology, we’ve been afraid of technology eliminating our jobs. Look at the birth of the steam engine. When it was invented in the late 1700s, people believed its arrival signaled the end of manual labor and thousands of hardworking individuals would […]
[Techcrunch] BigDataFr recommends: How ready is the Internet for IoT? #iot
BigDataFr recommends: How ready is the Internet for IoT? […] We’re currently witnessing rapidly expanding product launches and sky-high elevated expectations from the emerging deployment of the Internet of Things in both personal and commercial domains. Stakeholders — ranging from hardware manufacturers and service providers to cloud platforms — are vigorously weighing in to position […]
[The Conversation] BigDataFr recommande : Euro 2016 : l’Internet des objets occupe déjà le terrain
BigDataFr recommande : Euro 2016 : l’Internet des objets occupe déjà le terrain […] Qui va gagner l’Euro à votre avis ? Le big data a peut-être déjà la réponse… Du stade digital au maillot connecté sur mesure pour les sportifs professionnels, en passant par les dispositifs de réalité augmentée pour le sport individuel, l’Internet […]
[Techcrunch] BigDataFr recommends: Who’s afraid of the IoT? #iot
BigDataFr recommends: Who’s afraid of the IoT? […] It’s heeeere! The Internet of Things, I mean. I just spent several days at the Connected Conference in Paris, which focused on IoT hardware. They built a whole home full of connected devices, showcased the War for the WAN and underscored that the IoT is — as […]
[Bain & Company] BigDataFr recommends: Defining the Battlegrounds of the Internet of Things
BigDataFr recommends: Defining the Battlegrounds of the Internet of Things The Internet of Things—a huge network of sensors and smart devices, combined with advanced analytics and cloud services to make sense of all the data—promises to augment and disrupt products and services across industries. Expectations grow more spectacular every day: Forecasters predict up to 20 […]