BigDataFr recommends: 5 Novel Way To Monetize The IoT […]Every day it seems, there’s a new buzz worthy entrant into the IoT market – from smart plugs that efficiently connect you to your power source to connected cars that smartly help you avoid would be accidents. But what if you don’t have an IoT device […]
IoT – Internet of Things
[Frenchweb ITV Video] BigDataFr recommande : Comment les entreprises peuvent-elles optimiser l’exploitation de leurs données ?
BigDataFr recommande : Comment les entreprises peuvent-elles optimiser l’exploitation de leurs données ? Les entreprises produisent de nombreuses données en interne : sur leurs activités, sur leurs clients, sur leurs employés… Ainsi, de nombreuses sociétés, notamment dans le secteur du cloub BI, c’est-à-dire l’informatique décisionnelle, proposent des solutions afin de mettre en forme ces informations […]
[Data Science Central] BigDataFr recommends: Spectral Clustering – How Math is Redefining Decision Making
BigDataFr recommends: Spectral Clustering – How Math is Redefining Decision Making […] In today’s world of big data and the internet of things, it is common for a business to find itself sitting atop a mountain of data. Possessing it is one thing, but leveraging it for data driven decision making is a much different […]
[JDN] BigDataFr recommande : Guide de survie pour les entreprises à l’ère de l’IoT #iot
BigDataFr recommande: Guide de survie pour les entreprises à l’ère de l’IoT […]Pour beaucoup, l’arrivée de l’Internet des objets (IoT) promet d’être l’une des évolutions technologiques les plus importantes de ces dernières années. Certains vont jusqu’à parler de quatrième révolution industrielle. De fait c’est une approche susceptible de transformer la façon dont les entreprises pensent […]
[Forbes] BigDataFr recommends: IOT Is The Killer App For Big Data
BigDataFr recommends: IOT Is The Killer App For Big Data […]Companies have been embarking on big data initiatives for many years. Often, these were IT driven solutions looking for problems to solve. IT professionals understood that if they could bring many disparate data sources into one place and make that data actionable, the data would […]
[Forbes] BigDataFr recommends: Top 10 Hot Big Data Technologies
BigDataFr recommends: Top 10 Hot Big Data Technologies […] As the big data analytics market rapidly expands to include mainstream customers, which technologies are most in demand and promise the most growth potential? The answers can be found in TechRadar: Big Data, Q1 2016, a new Forrester Research report evaluating the maturity and trajectory of […]
[Multithreaded] BigDataFr recommends: Engineers Shouldn’t Write ETL: A Guide to Building a High Functioning Data Science Department
BigDataFr recommends: Engineers Shouldn’t Write ETL: A Guide to Building a High Functioning Data Science Department […] What is the relationship like between your team and the data scientists?” This is, without a doubt, the question I’m most frequently asked when conducting interviews for data platform engineers. It’s a fine question – one that, given […]
[Forbes] BigDataFr recommends: Six Ways Mobile And Big Data Are A CMO’s Best Friend
BigDataFr recommends: Six Ways Mobile And Big Data Are A CMO’s Best Friend […]Contemporary consumers are constantly bombarded with content across countless channels. CMOs are facing enormous challenges when it comes to engaging with an audience and consumer base to drive awareness and sales. The public’s habits are changing, however, and people are growing more […]
[Microsoft Ideas] BigDataFr recommande : Posséder des données, c’est bien, savoir les analyser, c’est mieux
BigDataFr recommande: Posséder des données, c’est bien, savoir les analyser, c’est mieux […]En 2013, Elon Musk, PDG de Tesla, et le reporter du New York Times John Broder, échangent vivement au sujet de la voiture électrique Model S du constructeur américain. Sur la base de données similaires recueillies lors d’un essai du véhicule, les deux […]
[Banking Technology] BigDataFr recommends: The force awakens: data science in banking
BigDataFr recommends: The force awakens: data science in banking […]Digital data has snowballed, with the proliferation of the internet, smartphones and other devices. Companies and governments alike recognise the massive potential in using this information – also known as “big data” – to drive real value for customers, and improve efficiency. Big data could transform […]