BigDataFr recommends: How Big Data Is Quietly Fighting Diseases and Illnesses 2015 proved to be a year of tremendous growth for the Internet of Things (IoT), and we saw many IoT opportunities become reality in 2015. Because businesses are realizing that IoT capabilities are a must, I expect 2016 to be the year the IoT […]
IoT – Internet of Things
[Le Nouvel Economiste] BigDataFr recommande : Pierre Nanterme, pdg d’Accenture : La 4ème révolution industrielle arrive avec une force et une vitesse considérables
BigDataFr recommande : Pierre Nanterme, pdg d’Accenture : « La 4ème révolution industrielle arrive avec une force et une vitesse considérables » […] Il y a plusieurs manières de voir le développement digital dans le monde, selon une matrice globale : par pays, par industrie, et surtout par la nature de cette révolution. Celle-ci peut être analysée en […]
[MIT Professionnal Education] BigDataFr recommends: Internet of Things: Roadmap to a Connected World #iot
recommends: MIT Professional Education’s Digital Program [New] Internet of Things: Roadmap to a Connected World – April 12 – May 24, 2016 Course description Taught by a team of world-renowned researchers with expertise in the architectures and applications of IoT,the Internet of Things (IoT): Roadmap to a Connected World course introduces both the broad range […]
[ATKearney] BigDataFr recommends: The Internet of Things: A New Path to European Prosperity
BigDataFr recommends:The Internet of Things: A New Path to European Prosperity « The Internet of Things. It is a phrase that is equally applied to our using a cell phone to control a home’s temperature from hundreds of miles away, or an airline’s using sensors on its fleet’s engines to save money in fuel consumption. Even […]
[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Privacy by design in big data: An overview of privacy enhancing technologies #datascientist
BigDataFr recommends: Privacy by design in big data: An overview of privacy enhancing technologies in the era of big data analytics The extensive collection and processing of personal information in big data analytics has given rise to serious privacy concerns, related to wide scale electronic surveillance, profiling, and disclosure of private data. To reap the […]
[Datasciencecentral] BigDataFr recommends: The Internet of Things is Really Only About One Thing
BigDataFr recommends: The Internet of Things is Really Only About One Thing The Internet of Things is really all about data. […]Big data is all about data, while the Internet of things involves data, devices, and connectivity, but in the end, they tend to come down to the same thing. And while many companies are […]
[JDN – Innovation] BigDataFr recommande : Big Data et Internet des Objets au secours du dérèglement climatique #innovation
BigDataFr recommande: Big Data et Internet des Objets au secours du dérèglement climatique A l’heure où les représentants de plus de 190 pays du globe se réunissent à Paris pour sceller un accord global sur la réduction des gaz à effet de serre, les conséquences du réchauffement climatique ne font plus de doute. L’urgence est […]
[HAL] BigDataFr recommends: Hierarchical Label Partitioning for Large Scale Classification
BigDataFr recommends: Hierarchical Label Partitioning for Large Scale Classification Abstract Extreme classification task where the number of classes is very large has received important focus over the last decade. Usual efficient multi-class classification approaches have not been designed to deal with such large number of classes. A particular issue in the context of large scale […]
[HAL] BigDataFr recommends: Hierarchical Label Partitioning for Large Scale Classification
BigDataFr recommends: Hierarchical Label Partitioning for Large Scale Classification Abstract Extreme classification task where the number of classes is very large has received important focus over the last decade. Usual efficient multi-class classification approaches have not been designed to deal with such large number of classes. A particular issue in the context of large scale […]
[Maddyness – Maddykeynote] BigDataFr recommande : SIGFOX, le plus grand connecteur d’objets au monde
BigDataFr recommande: SIGFOX, le plus grand connecteur d’objets au monde Née en juin 2012 de l’association d’un business man (Ludovic Le Moan) et d’un gourou technique (Christophe Fourtet) qui rêvaient de connecter le monde physiques, SIGFOX est aujourd’hui l’unique opérateur d’un réseau mondial bas débit dédié à l’Internet des Objets (IoT) et aux communications machine-to-machine […]