[arXiv – Ariane Carrance] BigDataFr recommends: Uniform random colored complexes

BigDataFr recommends: Uniform random colored complexes […] We present here random distributions on (D+1)-edge-colored, bipartite graphs with a fixed number of vertices 2p. These graphs are dual to D-dimensional orientable colored complexes. We investigate the behavior of quantities related to those random graphs, such as their number of connected components or the number of vertices […]

[Hackermoon] BigDataFr recommends: The AI Hierarchy of Needs

BigDataFr recommends: The AI Hierarchy of Needs […] As is usually the case with fast-advancing technologies, AI has inspired massive FOMO , FUD and feuds. Some of it is deserved, some of it not — but the industry is paying attention. From stealth hardware startups to fintech giants to public institutions, teams are feverishly working on their AI strategy. […]

[McKinsey] BigDataFr recommends: The new age of engineering and construction technology

 BigDataFr recommends: The new age of engineering and construction technology The engineering and construction (E&C) industry is at the cusp of a new era, with technology start-ups creating new applications and tools that are changing how companies design, plan, and execute projects. By providing advanced software, construction-focused hardware, and analytics capabilities, these innovative start-ups are […]

[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Bayesian Nonlinear Support Vector Machines for Big Data

BigDataFr recommends: Bayesian Nonlinear Support Vector Machines for Big Data […] We propose a fast inference method for Bayesian nonlinear support vector machines that leverages stochastic variational inference and inducing points. Our experiments show that the proposed method is faster than competing Bayesian approaches and scales easily to millions of data points. It provides additional […]

[Medium] BigDataFr recommends: Data Visualisation with 1 Billion Shazam Music Recognitions

BigDataFr recommends: Data Visualisation with 1 Billion Shazam Music Recognitions […] While at university, I joined Shazam as part time web developer. I stayed at Shazam for 5 enjoyable years. This post is about one hackday project I worked on. The project involves plotting one billion Shazam recognitions onto a blank canvas, and then observing […]

[Stats and Bots] BigDataFr recommends: Recommendation System Algorithms

BigDataFr recommends: Recommendation System Algorithms […] Today, many companies use big data to make super relevant recommendations and growth revenue. Among a variety of recommendation algorithms, data scientists need to choose the best one according a business’s limitations and requirements. To simplify this task, my team has prepared an overview of the main existing recommendation […]

[Dataconomy] BigDataFr recommends: High Performance Big Data Analysis Using NumPy, Numba & Python Asynchronous Programming

BigDataFr recommends: High Performance Big Data Analysis Using NumPy, Numba & Python Asynchronous Programming […] At that time, based on this question, my first simple answer was the Python List object. I used the List object in many Data Science projects including Data Pipeline and Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) production system. Then the following questions came to […]

[Forbes France – Interview] BigDataFr recommande : Le Cookie Vocal AlloMedia Transforme Les Conversations En Big Data

BigDataFr recommande: Le Cookie Vocal AlloMedia Transforme Les Conversations En Big Data […] La légende raconte que Watson serait jaloux. Watson, c’est l’intelligence artificielle conçue par IBM, capable de répondre à des questions posées en langage naturel. En clair, Watson veut comprendre le langage humain. Et cette intelligence artificielle en aurait après la solution mise […]

[La Tribune] BigDataFr recommande : Des algorithmes et des hommes : quel avenir pour le recrutement ?

BigDataFr recommande : Des algorithmes et des hommes : quel avenir pour le recrutement ? […] Le bruit court, la rumeur enfle : Facebook et Linkedin seraient sur le point d’uberiser le marché du recrutement. Le spectre d’une automatisation galopante se lève et bouscule ses acteurs traditionnels. Stupeur et tremblements… Mais « toute théorie s’expose […]