[Forbes] BigDataFr recommends: Bosch: Investing In Data-Driven Innovation

BigDataFr recommends: Bosch: Investing In Data-Driven Innovation […] The Bosch brand may be most recognizable from the company’s high-end home appliances, or perhaps from its numerous power tool brands, including Dremel and Vermont American. In reality, Bosch ’s core business has historically been in the automotive parts industry. Today, however, the 131-year-old German industrial giant […]

[Medium] BigDataFr recommends: 10,000 Hours With Claude Shannon: How A Genius Thinks, Works, and Lives

BigDataFr recommends: 10,000 Hours With Claude Shannon: How A Genius Thinks, Works, and Lives […] For the last five years, we lived with one of the most brilliant people on the planet. Sort of. See, we just published the biography of Dr. Claude Shannon. He’s the most important genius you’ve never heard of, a man […]

[Forbes France – Interview] BigDataFr recommande : Artefact Et NetBooster Dessinent L’Agence Digitale Du Futur

BigDataFr recommande: Artefact Et NetBooster Dessinent L’Agence Digitale Du Futur […] Approuvé par le conseil d’administration de Netbooster le 12 juin dernier, le projet de rapprochement entre le groupe coté et la jeune agence innovante Artefact, sera soumis au vote des actionnaires de NetBooster lors d’une Assemblée Générale Extraordinaire ce jeudi. Une « veillée d’armes […]

[LMI – le Monde Informatique] BigDataFr recommande : Oracle aligne ses offres cloud/local avec Cloud at Customer

BigDataFr recommande : Oracle aligne ses offres cloud/local avec Cloud at Customer […] La bataille du cloud se poursuit entre les éditeurs et les fournisseurs de plateformes IaaS et PaaS. Oracle qui a pris avec beaucoup de retard le train du cloud, malgré les étonnantes dénégations de son CEO Larry Ellison, élargi aujourd’hui les services […]

[HAL] BigDataFr recommends: Developing a Smart Service System to Enrich Bike Riders’ Experience

BigDataFr recommends: Developing a Smart Service System to Enrich Bike Riders’ Experience Abstract […] Social sensing via mobile apps complements physical sensing (e.g., IoT) by substantially extending the horizon we know about our daily life in real time. This paper discusses how we can integrate physical and social sensing to enable better and smarter services, […]

[ZDNet] BigDataFr recommande : L’E-Santé : Comment mettre le numérique au service des patients et des praticiens ?

BigDataFr recommande : L’E-Santé : Comment mettre le numérique au service des patients et des praticiens ? […] Les trois points à retenir : Le plus gros enjeu de l’E-santé pour les praticiens et les patients réside dans l’utilisation des données, qui soulève la question du secret médical quand ces données sont utilisées par des […]

[Dataconomy] BigDataFr recommends: Three signs you might be experiencing a NoSQL hangover

BigDataFr recommends: Three signs you might be experiencing a NoSQL hangover […] Selecting a database technology to build your new application on is often a complex and even stressful process. While the business use case for the application is pretty straightforward, the nuances of the data platform that will power it are often much less […]

[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Big Data vs. complex physical models: a scalable inference algorithm

BigDataFr recommends: Big Data vs. complex physical models: a scalable inference algorithm […] The data torrent unleashed by current and upcoming instruments requires scalable analysis methods. Machine Learning approaches scale well. However, separating the instrument measurement from the physical effects of interest, dealing with variable errors, and deriving parameter uncertainties is usually an after-thought. Classic […]

[Bloomberg] BigDataFr recommends: Should America’s Tech Giants Be Broken Up?

BigDataFr recommends: Should America’s Tech Giants Be Broken Up? […]  Apple, Amazon, Google, and Facebook may be contributing to the U.S. economy’s most persistent ailments. As a former tour manager for Bob Dylan and The Band, Jonathan Taplin isn’t your typical academic. Lately, though, he’s been busy writing somber tomes about market shares, monopolies, and […]