BigDataFr recommends: Winning with Data Science, Golden State Warriors Style […] The Golden State Warriors are on top of the NBA after winning their second championship in three years. They have been in the finals for three consecutive years, set the regular season wins record at 72 wins in the 2015-16 season, and came one […]
[Machinelearnings .co] BigDataFr recommends: In a few years, no investors are going to be looking for AI startups
BigDataFr recommends: In a few years, no investors are going to be looking for AI startups […] Despite the click-baity title, I mean it. I believe that in 2 years, no investor is going to be explicitly looking to fund AI-powered startups. Given that nearly all the startups we see these days are dressing themselves […]
[Datanami] BigDataFr recommends: Machine Learning is Everywhere: Preparing for the Future
BigDataFr recommends: Machine Learning is Everywhere: Preparing for the Future […] The influence and impact of machine learning can be seen in everything from our morning coffee orders to the online banking apps we use. The technology is infusing a deeper intelligence and understanding into the applications that touch our lives, to dramatically improve our […]
[Forbes France] BigDataFr recommande : Refroidissement Social : Quand Le Big Data Pousse Les Internautes À L’Autocensure
BigDataFr recommande: Refroidissement Social : Quand Le Big Data Pousse Les Internautes À L’Autocensure […] « Comme le pétrole conduit au réchauffement climatique, les data conduisent au refroidissement numérique. » Bienvenu sur le site, et dans une nouvelle époque, celle du « refroidissement numérique ». « Si vous avez le sentiment d’être épié, poursuit […]
[McKinsey] BigDataFr recommends: How artificial intelligence can deliver real value to companies
BigDataFr recommends: How artificial intelligence can deliver real value to companies After decades of extravagant promises and frustrating disappointments, artificial intelligence (AI) is finally starting to deliver real-life benefits to early-adopting companies. Retailers on the digital frontier rely on AI-powered robots to run their warehouses—and even to automatically order stock when inventory runs low. Utilities […]
[La Tribune] BigDataFr recommande : L’enseignement supérieur français à la traîne de la révolution numérique
BigDataFr recommande : L’enseignement supérieur français à la traîne de la révolution numérique […] En 2020, la révolution numérique, qui frappe tous les secteurs d’activités, aura détruit 7,1 millions d’emplois devenus inutiles et créé 2 millions de nouveaux postes, dont une partie dans des métiers qui n’existent pas encore, indique le Forum économique mondial. Le […]
[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: From Big Data to Big Displays: High-Performance Visualization at Blue Brain
BigDataFr recommends: From Big Data to Big Displays: High-Performance Visualization at Blue Brain […] Blue Brain has pushed high-performance visualization (HPV) to complement its HPC strategy since its inception in 2007. In 2011, this strategy has been accelerated to develop innovative visualization solutions through increased funding and strategic partnerships with other research institutions. We present […]
[Forbes] BigDataFr recommande: Big Data : Les Données Vont-Elles Contrôler Les « Marchés »?
BigDataFr recommande: Big Data : Les Données Vont-Elles Contrôler Les « Marchés »? […] Oui, le terme «Big Data» est devenu galvaudé, car il est utilisé à toutes les sauces. Oui, un véritable phénomène marketing s’est emparé de ce nouveau paradigme qui a émergé en 2012. Pourtant, son impact est bien réel, et ce, sur […]
[Google Research Blog] BigDataFr recommends: MultiModel: Multi-Task Machine Learning Across Domains
BigDataFr recommends: MultiModel: Multi-Task Machine Learning Across Domains […] Over the last decade, the application and performance of Deep Learning has progressed at an astonishing rate. However, the current state of the field is that the neural network architectures are highly specialized to specific domains of application. An important question remains unanswered: Will a convergence […]
[Le Point] BigDataFr recommande : Cyberattaque : pourquoi il faut avoir peur de GoldenEye
BigDataFr recommande : Cyberattaque : pourquoi il faut avoir peur de GoldenEye Avec 2 millions de machines infectées en moins de 48 heures, selon les experts de la société Shodan, spécialisée en cybersécurité, le virus informatique GoldenEye est en passe de battre le record du malware WannaCry, qui était parvenu à infecter 350 000 ordinateurs […]