BigDataFr recommends: How Math and Physics Majors Can Build Artificial Intelligence Careers […] A long time ago, in January 2006, Business Week published an article entitled ‘Math Will Rock Your World” declaring, “There has never been a better time to be a mathematician.” The fact is that although this article is almost 15 years old, […]
[ZDNet] BigDataFr recommande : Le Big Data permet de voyager moins cher (avec des correspondances à rallonge)
BigDataFr recommande : Le Big Data permet de voyager moins cher (avec des correspondances à rallonge) […] Vous accepteriez de prendre plus de temps pour voyager en train si cela vous permet d’économiser de l’argent ? Oui ? Et bien a un outil de Big Data pour ça. « Ce projet est une illustration de […]
[Bloomberg] BigDataFr recommends: Big Data Tells Mortgage Traders an Amazing Amount About You
BigDataFr recommends: Big Data Tells Mortgage Traders an Amazing Amount About You […] Wall Street startup gives mortgage bond traders vivid data Consumer rights watchdogs raise concerns about privacy If you borrowed to buy your home, chances are TheNumber knows a good deal about you. The New York-based startup sucks in data from marketing firms, […]
[Medium – Nate Kupp] BigDataFr recommends: Getting started: the 3 stages of data infrastructure
BigDataFr recommends: Getting started: the 3 stages of data infrastructure […] Over the past few years, I’ve had many conversations with friends and colleagues frustrated with how inscrutably complex the data infrastructure ecosystem is. Although not quite as bad as the front-end world, things are changing fast enough to create a buzzword soup. As a […]
[McKinsey] BigDataFr recommends: A machine-learning approach to venture capital
BigDataFr recommends: A machine-learning approach to venture capital […] Veronica Wu has been in on the ground floor for many of the dramatic technology shifts that have defined the past 20 years. Beijing-born and US-educated, Wu has worked in top strategy roles at a string of major US tech companies—Apple, Motorola, and Tesla—in their Chinese […]
[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Recipes for Translating Big Data Machine Reading to Executable Cellular Signaling Models
BigDataFr recommends: Recipes for Translating Big Data Machine Reading to Executable Cellular Signaling Models […] With the tremendous increase in the amount of biological literature, developing automated methods for extracting big data from papers, building models and explaining big mechanisms becomes a necessity. We describe here our approach to translating machine reading outputs, obtained by […]
[HAL] BigDataFr recommends: Smarter Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Computing and Big Data
BigDataFr recommends: Smarter Round Robin Scheduling Algorithm for Cloud Computing and Big Data Abstract […] Cloud Computing and Big Data are the upcoming Information Technology (IT) computing models. These groundbreaking paradigms are leading IT to a new set of rules that aims to change computing resources delivery and exploitation model, thus creating a novel business […]
[LMI – le Monde Informatique] BigDataFr recommande : Avec Leonardo Center, SAP embarque ses clients dans l’IoT
BigDataFr recommande : Avec Leonardo Center, SAP embarque ses clients dans l’IoT Il y a quelques mois, SAP a dégainé Leonardo, au départ plateforme centrée sur l’IoT qui englobe maintenant ses technologies IA, IoT, big data, blockchain et cloud. Pour explorer avec ses clients tous les cas d’usage possibles avec ces solutions, l’éditeur de logiciels […]
[Forbes] BigDataFr recommends: From Big Data Analytics To AI: Vodafone And Celonis Mine Data To Improve Business Processes
BigDataFr recommends: From Big Data Analytics To AI: Vodafone And Celonis Mine Data To Improve Business Processes […] What if you could put your company through an MRI scanner to get a detailed picture of how well your processes work, see the bottlenecks, and understand the causes of delays, unnecessary costs, and lost productivity? “What […]
[Nature] BigDataFr recommends: The mathematicians who want to save democracy
BigDataFr recommends: The mathematicians who want to save democracy […] With algorithms in hand, scientists are looking to make elections in the United States more representative. Leaning back in his chair, Jonathan Mattingly swings his legs up onto his desk, presses a key on his laptop and changes the results of the 2012 elections in […]