[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Big Data, Data Science, and Civil Rights

BigDataFr recommends: Big Data, Data Science, and Civil Rights […] Advances in data analytics bring with them civil rights implications. Data-driven and algorithmic decision making increasingly determine how businesses target advertisements to consumers, how police departments monitor individuals or groups, how banks decide who gets a loan and who does not, how employers hire, how […]

[Forbes France] BigDataFr recommande : Aéronautique : Le Big Data Transforme Ce Secteur En Pleine Mutation

BigDataFr recommande: Aéronautique : Le Big Data Transforme Ce Secteur En Pleine Mutation […] Aujourd’hui, par le biais de milliers de capteurs et de systèmes digitaux sophistiqués, la dernière génération de jets collecte exponentiellement plus de données, chaque vol générant plus de 30 fois la masse de données produite par la précédente génération de jets […]

[La Tribune] BigDataFr recommande: Aires de covoiturage : un outil stratégique pour la Gironde

BigDataFr recommande: Aires de covoiturage : un outil stratégique pour la Gironde […] Jean-Luc Gleyze, président (PS) du Conseil départemental de la Gironde, a présenté le 7 juin à Saint-André-de-Cubzac les résultats d’une étude sur le comportement des conducteurs girondins lancée en septembre 2016 en partenariat avec IBM et le groupe PSA, et annoncé dans […]

[Bloomberg] BigDataFr recommends: Morgan Stanley’s 16,000 Human Brokers Get Algorithmic Makeover

BigDataFr recommends: Morgan Stanley’s 16,000 Human Brokers Get Algorithmic MakeoverTechnology, jobs, and the future of work […] Call them cyborgs. Morgan Stanley is about to augment its 16,000 financial advisers with machine-learning algorithms that suggest trades, take over routine tasks and send reminders when your birthday is near. The project, known internally as “next best […]

[World Economic Forum] BigDataFr recommends: How an artificial brain could help us outsmart hackers

 BigDataFr recommends: How an artificial brain could help us outsmart hackers […] During the past few years, deep learning has revolutionized nearly every field it has been applied to, resulting in the greatest leap in performance in the history of computer science. With many problems, for which we were used to seeing small, gradual improvements […]

[McKinsey ITV] BigDataFr recommends: Automation at scale is driving transformative change across insurance

   BigDataFr recommends: Automation at scale is driving transformative change across insurance […] While the promise of automation has been around for years, the pace and the extent of its adoption in the workplace has significantly picked up over the past 12 months. For an industry that barely earns its cost of equity, automation at […]

[ZDNet] BigDataFr recommande : L’assistant personnel : fantasmes et vitrine marketing de l’intelligence artificielle

BigDataFr recommande : L’assistant personnel : fantasmes et vitrine marketing de l’intelligence artificielle […] Il en va des assistants personnels comme des haut-parleurs connectés : tous les géants de l’industrie veulent en être. Apple est rentré dans le rang depuis la WWDC avec HomePod – du moins quasiment, puisque la sortie n’interviendra pas avant encore […]

[MIT Technology Review] BigDataFr recommends: Alphabet’s New Air Traffic Control System Steers Drones Away From Peril

BigDataFr recommends: Alphabet’s New Air Traffic Control System Steers Drones Away From Peril […] Flying a drone is easy enough. Ensuring that thousands of them flying through the same airspace don’t crash into each other, though? That’s a bit harder. Fortunately for the future of drones, Alphabet’s X laboratory has been developing its own solution. […]