BigDataFr recommends: Big Data Exposes Big Falsehoods […] Analysis by Semantic Visions reveals intriguing differences between Russian and Western commentary about the shooting down of an airliner in 2014. When Vladimir Putin took power “a few seconds before 2000,” the world’s attention was elsewhere. Introducing himself with a short Russian broadcast, he promised, “Freedom of […]
[ZDNet] BigDataFr recommande : Diffusion de données en continu : l’importance d’une architecture de big data en temps réel
BigDataFr recommande : Diffusion de données en continu : l’importance d’une architecture de big data en temps réel […] Le big data est une cible mouvante et il se manifeste par vagues : une vague reflue et, avant que les choses n’aient eu le temps de se tasser, une nouvelle vague de paradigmes de traitement […]
[McKinsey] BigDataFr recommends: Four keys to successful digital transformations in healthcare
BigDataFr recommends: Four keys to successful digital transformations in healthcare […] Healthcare companies (device manufacturers, payors, and providers, among others) have long relied on technology as a core utility—for tracking R&D efforts and patient information, scheduling payments and services, launching new care options, and generally keeping the lights on. The digitization of products and processes, […]
[La Tribune] BigDataFr recommande: Big data et élections : les menues escroqueries intellectuelles de Filteris
BigDataFr recommande: Big data et élections : les menues escroqueries intellectuelles de Filteris […] Afin de sauver le candidat Fillon, les sondages d’intention de vote ont été dénigrés et de pseudo métriques ont été artificiellement valorisées pour faire advenir une réalité que le scrutin a démentie. Par Arnaud Mercier, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas Dans le […]
[Hacker Noon] BigDataFr recommends: State of AI: How did we get here and where are we going next
BigDataFr recommends: How did we get here and where are we going next? […] The world has woken up to AI. Here’s an illustration of this exponential trend: the number of press releases published by companies mentioning “Artificial Intelligence” skyrocketed over the last few years. I conducted a research myself and asked my Twitter network: […]
[Medium – Marketing & Entrepreneurship] BigDataFr recommends: 11 Amazing Facts You Might Not Know About Chatbots
BigDataFr recommends: 11 Amazing Facts You Might Not Know About Chatbots […] Chatbots are the next big thing. What is a chatbot? They come in two flavors: Virtual assistants, which help you find information, remember stuff, or buy things. Think Apple’s Siri, Amazon’s Alexa, Microsoft’s Cortana, and Google’s Assistant. These are powered by machine learning, […]
[Congrès AI Paris les 6 & 7 juin 2017] Ne manquez pas le 1er grand rendez-vous français de l’#IntelligenceArtificielle en entreprise ! @AI_EVENTS_
[Événement] AI Paris 2017, 1er grand rendez-vous français dédié à l’Intelligence Artificielle en entreprise BigDataFr est partenaire du congrès AI Paris 2017 qui se tiendra les 6 et 7 juin 2017 de 9h00 à 18h00, Cité Universitaire Internationale de Paris. Voir infos pratiques Ce congrès professionnel fait suite au succès d’un premier rendez-vous AI Europe […]
[McKinsey] BigDataFr recommends: Ops 4.0: Fueling the next 20 percent productivity rise with digital analytics
BigDataFr recommends: Ops 4.0: Fueling the next 20 percent productivity rise with digital analytics […] Business is now in the midst of the most significant disruption in decades. This epochal transformation has been driven largely by technological changes—big data and advanced analytics, additive manufacturing, the Internet of Things, robotics, and artificial intelligence—collectively described as the […]
[Dataconomy] BigDataFr recommends: Data Analytics is the key skill for the modern engineer
BigDataFr recommends: Data Analytics is the key skill for the modern engineer […] Many process manufacturing owner-operators in this next phase of a digital shift have engaged in technology pilots to explore options for reducing costs, meeting regulatory compliance, and/or increasing overall equipment effectiveness (OEE). Despite this transformation, the adoption of advanced analytics tools still […]
[Keen IO] BigDataFr recommends: Architecture of Giants: Data Stacks at Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb, and Pinterest
BigDataFr recommends: Architecture of Giants: Data Stacks at Facebook, Netflix, Airbnb, and Pinterest […] Here at Keen IO, we believe that companies who learn to wield event data will have a competitive advantage. That certainly seems to be the case at the world’s leading tech companies. We continue to be amazed by the data engineering […]