BigDataFr recommends: Big Data in HEP: A comprehensive use case study […] Experimental Particle Physics has been at the forefront of analyzing the worlds largest datasets for decades. The HEP community was the first to develop suitable software and computing tools for this task. In recent times, new toolkits and systems collectively called Big Data […]
[O’R] BigDataFr recommends: Ideas on interpreting machine learning
BigDataFr recommends: Ideas on interpreting machine learning You’ve probably heard by now that machine learning algorithms can use big data to predict whether a donor will give to a charity, whether an infant in a NICU will develop sepsis, whether a customer will respond to an ad, and on and on. Machine learning can even […]
[Slate] BigDataFr recommande : GOV, l’appli big data qui donne Fillon président
BigDataFr recommande : GOV, l’appli big data qui donne Fillon président […] Il est un endroit de France où le «balafré» François Fillon peut humer le parfum de la victoire; un site internet, une application gratuite réputée pour sa capacité à appréhender l’opinion, lui accorde une popularité hors norme, et le propulse pratiquement à l’Élysée. […]
[McKinsey] BigDataFr recommends: Capturing value from your customer data
BigDataFr recommends: Capturing value from your customer data […] In an increasingly customer-centric world, the ability to capture and use customer insights to shape products, solutions, and the buying experience as a whole is critically important. Research tells us that organizations that leverage customer behavioral insights outperform peers by 85 percent in sales growth and […]
[MIT Technology Review] BigDataFr recommends: Machine Learning and Data Are Fueling a New Kind of Car
BigDataFr recommends: Machine Learning and Data Are Fueling a New Kind of Car […] The automobile is being dismantled, reimagined, and rebuilt in Silicon Valley. Intel’s proposed $15.3 billion acquisition of Mobileye, an Israeli company that supplies carmakers with a computer-vision technology and advanced driver assistance systems, offers a chance to measure the scale of […]
[ZDNet] BigDataFr recommande : Big Data, mais Big menaces également
BigDataFr recommande : Big Data, mais Big menaces également […] Du 6 au 7 mars se tenait à Paris le salon Big Data 2017. L’occasion, comme lors des éditions précédentes, de revenir sur le business des données et la création de valeur permise par leur exploitation. Mais dans le domaine du Big Data non plus […]
[McKinsey] BigDataFr recommends: How to succeed as a chief digital officer in pharma
BigDataFr recommends: How to succeed as a chief digital officer in pharma […] Focus on teams and capabilities, not tools Like most tools, digital technology becomes commoditized, so gains from early adoption tend to fade as technology becomes cheaper and more accessible. Thus, technology itself is unlikely to be a sustainable differentiator. “It is easy […]
[HAL] BigDataFr recommends: Data Exploration with SQL using Machine Learning Techniques
BigDataFr recommends: Data Exploration with SQL using Machine Learning Techniques Abstract […] Nowadays data scientists have access to gigantic data, many of them being accessible through SQL. Despite the inherent simplicity of SQL, writing relevant and efficient SQL queries is known to be difficult, especially for databases having a large number of attributes or meaningless […]
[VB – Venturebeat] BigDataFr recommends: 4 keys to transforming an organization with AI
BigDataFr recommends: 4 keys to transforming an organization with AI […] In many ways, we’re close to a tipping point in the development of artificial intelligence technologies, with fleets of self-driving cars, hive drones, automated retail experiences, and more. Companies of every size now must grapple with how AI will affect and possibly eliminate their […]
[France Inter – Charlotte Piret – à écouter] BigDataFr recommande: De l’open-data à la justice prédictive
[France Inter] BigDataFr recommande: De l’open-data à la justice prédictive […] La mise à disposition de toutes les décisions de justice, suite à la loi Lemaire du 7 octobre 2016 représente un sacré défi technique mais présage surtout de gros bouleversements pour le monde judiciaire. Le temps que chaque juridiction s’y mette et ce seront […]