[MIT Technology Review] BigDataFr recommends: Mathematical Model Reveals the Patterns of How Innovations Arise

BigDataFr recommends: Mathematical Model Reveals the Patterns of How Innovations Arise […] Innovation is one of the driving forces in our world. The constant creation of new ideas and their transformation into technologies and products forms a powerful cornerstone for 21st century society. Indeed, many universities and institutes, along with regions such as Silicon Valley, […]

[Mattturck] BigDataFr recommends: The New Gold Rush? Wall Street Wants your Data

BigDataFr recommends: The New Gold Rush? Wall Street Wants your Data […] A few months ago, Foursquare achieved an impressive feat by predicting, ahead of official company results, that Chipotle’s Q1 2016 sales would be down nearly 30%. Because it captures geo-location data from both check-ins and visits through its apps, Foursquare was able to […]

[Medium] BigDataFr recommends : 6 areas of AI and machine learning to watch closely

BigDataFr recommends: 6 areas of AI and machine learning to watch closely […] Distilling a generally-accepted definition of what qualifies as artificial intelligence (AI) has become a revived topic of debate in recent times. Some have rebranded AI as “cognitive computing” or “machine intelligence”, while others incorrectly interchange AI with “machine learning”. This is in […]

[McKinsey] BigDataFr recommends: Measuring B2B’s digital gap

BigDataFr recommends: Measuring B2B’s digital gap […] The need to invest operations and processes with digital capabilities touches every company and industry. B2B companies, however, face added challenges. Their customers increasingly gravitate toward digital tools to research and buy products—after all, they use Amazon at home just like everyone else does. Yet B2B buying and […]

[BBC] BigDataFr recommends: 2017 tech trends: ‘A major bank will fail’

BigDataFr recommends: 2017 tech trends: ‘A major bank will fail’ […] If 2016 seemed politically tumultuous, 2017 promises to be equally tumultuous on the technology front. The pace of change is accelerating at a dizzying rate, with profound implications for the way we work, play and communicate. So what are the big technology trends to watch […]

[L’Usine Nouvelle] BigDataFr recommande : Trois leçons sur l’intelligence artificielle à tirer du premier événement Data Driven Paris

BigDataFr recommande : Trois leçons sur l’intelligence artificielle à tirer du premier événement Data Driven Paris […]  L’intelligence artificielle et le big data vous donnent rendez-vous chaque mois à Paris. Data Driven Paris veut répliquer le succès de Data Driven New York, organisé par le fonds d’investissement américain Firstmark. Le fonds Serena Capital, en partenariat […]

[@fotonower] Internship in Machine Learning/Big Data: Location Paris or Flexible (Europe/US) #machinelearning

Internship in Machine Learning/Big Data: Classification of behavior thanks Quantization and Neural Network We are looking for a skilled scientist with high capacity in development to work on new methodology using Quantization and Neural Network in order to classify behavior of users on Social Network. We uses at the edge computer vision methodology based on […]

[Fortune] BigDataFr recommends: Google Artificial Intelligence Whiz Describes Our Sci-Fi Future

BigDataFr recommends: Bitcoin’s Total Value Just Burst Past $14 Billion and Hit a Record High. […] The next time you enter a query into Google’s search engine or consult the company’s map service for directions to a movie theater, remember that a big brain is working behind the scenes to provide relevant search results and […]

[ZDNet] BigDataFr recommande : Entreprise du futur: arrêtons de parler de technologies

BigDataFr recommande : Entreprise du futur: arrêtons de parler de technologies […] Ce billet a commencé dans une discussion sur Twitter à propos d’un article qui parlait « des technologies du futur de l’Internet des Objets » et citait la litanie des technologies à la mode (bigdata, IA, blockchain…). C’est un article qui coche certainement tous les […]

[Wired] BigDataFr recommends: Microsoft Thinks Machines Can Learn to Converse by Making Chat a Game

BigDataFr recommends: Microsoft Thinks Machines Can Learn to Converse by Making Chat a Game […] Microsoft is buying a deep learning startup based in Montreal, a global hub for deep learning research. But two years ago, this startup wasn’t based in Montreal, and it had nothing to do with deep learning. Which just goes to […]