BigDataFr recommends: How will Artificial Intelligence affect Your career? […] We have long been used to manual work being automated. We are finally at a juncture where even knowledge work is starting to see the same fate. Weren’t engineering, medicine and law supposed to be future-proof careers? For example, the world’s largest hedge fund Bridgewater […]
[La Tribune] BigDataFr recommande : Renforcer la cohérence des filières industrielles
BigDataFr recommande : Renforcer la cohérence des filières industrielles […] Une chose est sûre, Bruno Le Maire est intarissable sur le sujet des filières industrielles. « Elles me font rêver, car ce sont des aventures industrielles, mais aussi des aventures humaines […]. Je crois à cette logique de filières et je [les] défendrai bec et […]
[Forbes] BigDataFr recommends: The Amazing Ways Spotify Uses Big Data, AI And Machine Learning To Drive Business Success
BigDataFr recommends: The Amazing Ways Spotify Uses Big Data, AI And Machine Learning To Drive Business Success […] Spotify, the largest on-demand music service in the world, has a history of pushing technological boundaries and using big data, artificial intelligence and machine learning to drive success. The digital music company with more than 100 million […]
[Dataconomy] BigDataFr recommends: How Data Science is Serving Passengers at Lufthansa
BigDataFr recommends: How Data Science is Serving Passengers at Lufthansa […]The Lufthansa Group is about much more than just transporting passengers and air freight from A to B. The subsidiary company I work for is called “Lufthansa Industry Solutions” (LHIND for short). As well as dealing with the exciting challenges faced by the airline industry […]
[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Communication Efficient Checking of Big Data Operations
BigDataFr recommends: Communication Efficient Checking of Big Data Operations […] Subjects: Data Structures and Algorithms (cs.DS); Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing (cs.DC) We propose fast probabilistic algorithms with low (i.e., sublinear in the input size) communication volume to check the correctness of operations in Big Data processing frameworks and distributed databases. Our checkers cover many […]
[Datasciencecentral] BigDataFr recommends: To PhD or not to PhD?
BigDataFr recommends: To PhD or not to PhD? […] …That is the question. Further study often seems the most appealing route to go down, and for many companies out there it’s often heralded as a must have for data science, but it isn’t always so and isn’t always pivotal in advancing your career. To Ph.D. […]
[Evenement] Deep Learning & Acceleration GPU @UPMC – 20, 21 & 22 novembre 2017 : inscrivez-vous ! #IA #AI @BNPParibasCIB
[A vos agendas] Deep Learning & Accélération GPU à l’UPMC avec Cédric Villani – 20, 21 & 22 novembre 2017 4 place Jussieu Paris 5e, Grand Auditorium de Jussieu – Places limitées, inscription obligatoire Date limite d’inscription : Nouvelle date – 9 novembre 2017. Infos Inscription Infos pratiques L’expansion de l’intelligence artificielle avec le […]
[La Tribune] BigDataFr recommande : Quand l’intelligence artificielle peut anticiper les décisions des banques centrales
BigDataFr recommande : Quand l’intelligence artificielle peut anticiper les décisions des banques centrales […] Il n’est pas meilleur maître en l’art de la langue de bois qu’un président d’une banque centrale. Après chaque réunion du Conseil des gouverneurs, où des décisions de politique monétaire sont prises, le responsable de l’institution se présente devant la presse […]
[Forbes] BigDataFr recommends: Why Space Data Is The New Big Data
BigDataFr recommends: Why Space Data Is The New Big Data […] Space Data is about to get big. Thanks to the growing sophistication and falling cost of satellites, more businesses than ever are looking to the “final frontier” for insights which can be put to use here on Earth. That’s the conclusion of a report […]
[HAL] BigDataFr recommends: Spark Scalability Analysis in a Scientific Workflow
BigDataFr recommends: Spark Scalability Analysis in a Scientific Workflow Abstract […] Spark is being successfully used for big data parallel processing in many business domains (social media, finance, retail). Spark’s scalability, usability, and large user community have motivated developers from scientific domains (bioinformatics, oil and gas, astronomy) to try it. However, scientific applications’ profile, e.g., […]