BigDataFr recommends: Artificial Neurons and Single-Layer Neural Networks ‘This article offers a brief glimpse of the history and basic concepts of machine learning. We will take a look at the first algorithmically described neural network and the gradient descent algorithm in context of adaptive linear neurons, which will not only introduce the principles of machine […]
Month: avril 2015
[Basho] Relational to Riak
Relational to Riak ‘This whitepaper looks at why companies choose Riak over a relational database. We focus specifically on availability, scalability, and the key/value data model. Then we analyze the decision points that should be considered when choosing a non-relational solution and review data modeling, querying, and consistency guarantees. Finally, we end with simple patterns […]
[Smithsonianmag] Big data is getting so big, it’s slipping the surly bonds of Earth
Big data is getting so big, it’s slipping the surly bonds of Earth. A startup called Orbital Insight, which recently raised nearly $9 million in funding, is using satellite imagery and cutting-edge computing techniques to estimate global oil surplus, predict crop shortfalls before harvest time and spot retail trends by keeping track of the number […]
[Github]BigDataFr recommends: How to share data with a statistician #datascientist, #statisticians, #data, #datasharing
‘How to share data with a statistician This is a guide for anyone who needs to share data with a statistician. The target audiences I have in mind are: -Scientific collaborators who need statisticians to analyze data for them -Students or postdocs in scientific disciplines looking for consulting advice -Junior statistics students whose job it […]
[ArXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Understanding Big Data Analytic Workload On Modern Processors #datascientist #machine learning
BigDataFr recommends: Understanding Big Data Analytic Workload On Modern Processors « Big data analytics applications play a significant role in data centers, and hence it has become increasingly important to understand their behaviors in order to further improve the performance of data center computer systems, in which characterizing representative workloads is a key practical problem. In […]
[IBM] #datascientist – BigDataFR recommends: Delving deeply into the narrative hierarchies of computer vision analytics
BigDataFr recommends: Delving deeply into the narrative hierarchies of computer vision analytics Topics: Analytics, Big Data Technology, Big Data Use Cases, Data Scientists Tags: deep learning, stream computing ‘Deep learning has become the next big awe-inspiring frontier in big data analytics. This emerging technology, which leverages deep convolutional neural-network and other machine learning algorithms, is […]
[IT] Trois technos des labos Mines-Télecom présentées aux PME
Robot géographe, big data, table-télécommande : trois technos des labos Mines-Télecom présentées aux PME Le développement des objets connectés va dépendre de notre capacité à optimiser des réseaux de capteurs et à gérer de gros volumes de données. « Objets connectés et big data », c’est justement le thème de la Bourse aux technologies de […]