[Datasciencecentral] BigDataFr recommends: A methodology for solving problems with DataScience for Internet of Things – Full – #iot

BigDataFr recommends: A methodology for solving problems with DataScience for Internet of Things – Part 1 and 2

[…] This two part blog is based on my forthcoming book: Data Science for Internet of Things.

It is also the basis for the course I teach Data Science for Internet of Things Course. I will be syndicating sections of the book on the Data Science Central blog.
Here, we start off with the question: At which points could you apply analytics to the IoT ecosystem and what are the implications? We then extend this to a broader question: Could we formulate a methodology to solve Data Science for IoT problems? I have illustrated my thinking through a number of companies/examples. I personally work with an Open Source strategy (based on R, Spark and Python) but the methodology applies to any implementation. We are currently working with a range of implementations including AWS, Azure, GE Predix, Nvidia etc. Thus, the discussion is vendor agnostic.

I also mention some trends I am following such as Apache NiFi etc

The Internet of Things and the flow of Data […]

Read part 1
Read part 2
By Ajit Jaokar
Source: datasciencecentral.com

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