BigDataFr recommends: Big Data, Big Investments, Bigger Returns […] When investors look to make a substantial buy into a company’s stock, one thing they look for is sustainability in a company’s operation. This means that ESG integration needs an in-depth blueprint in order for it to function well and be resilient to change. “For many […]
Month: août 2017
[arXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Strategies for Big Data Analytics through Lambda Architectures in Volatile Environments
BigDataFr recommends: Strategies for Big Data Analytics through Lambda Architectures in Volatile Environments […] Expectations regarding the future growth of Internet of Things (IoT)-related technologies are high. These expectations require the realization of a sustainable general purpose application framework that is capable to handle these kinds of environments with their complexity in terms of heterogeneity […]
[La Tribune] BigDataFr recommande : Cycle de la hype 2017 : quelles sont les technologies les plus en vogue du moment ?
BigDataFr recommande : Cycle de la hype 2017 : quelles sont les technologies les plus en vogue du moment ? […] Le monde ne se réveille pas un beau matin avec une nouvelle technologie révolutionnaire à sa disposition, prête à être utilisée par tous. Non, l’adoption d’une innovation prend du temps. De la création d’une […]
[Analyticsvidhya – Stories] BigDataFr recommends: My journey from being an IT engineer to Head of Analytics
BigDataFr recommends: My journey from being an IT engineer to Head of Analytics […] Background – when sufficient is not enough I was an engineer working with an MNC in a pretty cushy job. It would have been a pretty happy life for people, but I had some other dreams. I wanted to do an […]
[JDN] BigDataFr recommande : Les 5 éléments qui vont transformer le monde de la formation !
BigDataFr recommande: Les 5 éléments qui vont transformer le monde de la formation ! […] L’enseignement n’échappe pas aux révolutions que peut initier la transformation digitale. Comprendre comment les humains apprennent grâce aux neurosciences peut permettre d’adapter les outils méthodologiques et numériques… Les neurosciences Notre connaissance actuelle du cerveau et de son potentiel ont progressé […]
[LMI – le Monde Informatique] BigDataFr recommande : Deeplearn.js entraîne des modèles de machine learning dans le navigateur
BigDataFr recommande : Deeplearn.js entraîne des modèles de machine learning dans le navigateur […] Avec Deeplearn.js, Google propose une bibliothèque d’accélération matérielle pour les traitements d’apprentissage machine. Disponible en open source, elle s’exécute dans un navigateur web, mais elle n’est pour l’instant supportée que sur la version desktop de Chrome. L’équipe du projet prépare le […]
[Datasciencecentral] BigDataFr recommends: More on Fully Automated Machine Learning
BigDataFr recommends: More on Fully Automated Machine Learning […] Recently we’ve written a series of articles on Automated Machine Learning (AML) which are platforms or packages designed to take over the most repetitive elements of preparing predictive models. Typically these cover cleaning, preprocessing, some feature engineering, feature selection, and then model creation using one or […]
[Career] Big Data @ Moody’s Analytics (France – Grenoble): Software Engineer – Java 8 & Scala – #Hadoop #Spark – Apply Now!
[Big Data @ Moody’s Analytics (France)] : Software Engineer – Java 8 & Scala More information / apply now Moody’s is an essential component of the global capital markets, providing credit ratings, research, tools and analysis that contribute to transparent and integrated financial markets. Moody’s Corporation (NYSE: MCO) is the parent company of Moody’s Investors […]
[Dataconomy] BigDataFr recommends: Steering Big Data Projects in the Modern Enterprise
BigDataFr recommends: Steering Big Data Projects in the Modern Enterprise […] Just a few years ago, enterprise organizations had to be convinced that Big Data was a real-world opportunity worth investing in. By 2016, 63% of those enterprise leaders were saying they considered Big Data and advanced analytics initiatives a necessity in order to remain […]
[Motherboard] BigDataFr recommends: Your ‘Anonymous’ Browsing Data Isn’t Actually Anonymous
BigDataFr recommends: Your ‘Anonymous’ Browsing Data Isn’t Actually Anonymous […] Researchers said it was « trivial » to identify users and view their browsing habits in purchased ‘anonymous’ browsing data. In August 2016, a data broker received a phone call from a woman named Anna Rosenberg, who worked for a small startup in Tel Aviv. Rosenberg claimed […]