[Fortune] BigDataFr recommends: Why Machine Learning Is a Delivery Driver’s Best Friend

machine learning

BigDataFr recommends: Why Machine Learning Is a Delivery Driver’s Best Friend

[…]Despite radical advances in technology, many companies still plan routes for their delivery trucks the same way they did a decade ago. Managers create itineraries the day before, and then hand printouts to drivers to follow or add them to the hand-held devices that their drivers carry at their hip.

But when drivers get stuck in traffic jams while on their rounds, they’re simply out of luck and behind schedule. The same thing happens if there’s a surprise snowstorm that makes roads impassable.

In short, the routes are inflexible. But Wise Systems, a Boston startup, is tackling this age-old problem by pairing machine learning with data it collects from drivers’ mobile phones. […]

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By Larissa Zimberoff
Source: fortune.com

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