BigDataFr recommends: The Avoidable Mistakes Executives Continue to Make After a Data Breach […] The past few years have taught us that companies will be breached and consumer data will be stolen. Last year was a record year for data breaches, and 2017, so far, has seen its fair share of high-profile cyberattacks. Still, top […]
Author: Big Data
[Le Monde] BigDataFr recommande : L’Ile-de-France ambitionne de devenir une « smart région »
BigDataFr recommande : L’Ile-de-France ambitionne de devenir une « smart région » […] Valérie Pécresse affiche son ambition de faire de l’Ile-de-France une « smart région », et même la première smart région d’Europe. La présidente (LR) de la région capitale, présentait mardi 21 novembre une stratégie à cette fin, se dit convaincue que « […]
[Wonder Woman… for Real] New film « Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story » tells how Hollywood star helped to invent GPS, Bluetooth and WiFi
[Wonder Woman… For Real] New film « Bombshell: The Hedy Lamarr Story » tells how Hollywood star helped to invent GPS, Bluetooth and WiFi! A documentary produced by Susan Sarandon, about Lamarr’s career as an actress and later as an inventor, premiered at the 2017 Tribeca Film Festival. Startlet, screen siren, the most beautiful woman in the […]
[Forbes France] BigDataFr recommande : Intelligence Artificielle : Votre Guide De Survie Face Au Buzz
BigDataFr recommande : Intelligence Artificielle : Votre Guide De Survie Face Au Buzz […] Aujourd’hui, les attentes liées à l’intelligence artificielle n’ont jamais été aussi grandes. Rien d’étonnant puisque que cette technologie est génératrice d’importants avantages économiques. Les entreprises ne cessent d’annoncer de nouveaux partenariats stratégiques, de nouveaux produits ou de nouvelles technologies, en clamant […]
[MIT Technology Review] BigDataFr recommends: IBM Raises the Bar with a 50-Qubit Quantum Computer
BigDataFr recommends: IBM Raises the Bar with a 50-Qubit Quantum Computer […] IBM established a landmark in computing Friday, announcing a quantum computer that handles 50 quantum bits, or qubits. The company is also making a 20-qubit system available through its cloud computing platform. IBM, Google, Intel, and a San Francisco startup called Rigetti are […]
[Datasciencecentral] BigDataFr recommends: High Precision Computing: Benchmark, Examples, and Tutorial
BigDataFr recommends: High Precision Computing: Benchmark, Examples, and Tutorial […] In some applications, using the standard precision in your programming language of choice, may not be enough, and can lead to disastrous errors. In some cases, you work with a library that is supposed to provide very high precision, when in fact the library in […]
[Carrière Big Data @SocieteGenerale] – Architecte #BigaData H/F Senior Experimente Réf 17000Z4 – CDI – Paris – La Défense #datalake #deeplearning #machinelearning
Référence : BD-17000Z47 DATE DE DÉBUT : Immédiat MÉTIER : Systèmes d’information ENTITÉ : SG CIB LOCALISATION : Hauts-de-Seine TYPE DE CONTRAT : C.D.I Postulez dès maintenant Environnement Au sein du groupe Société Générale, vous rejoignez la direction des systèmes d’information de Global Banking & Investors Solution. Cette dernière a pour responsabilité, au plan […]
[McKinsey] BigDataFr recommends: Why you need a digital data architecture to build a sustainable digital business
BigDataFr recommends: The road to artificial intelligence in mobility—smart moves required […] Data architecture has been consistently identified by CXOs as a top challenge to preparing for digitizing business. Leveraging our experience across industries, we have consistently found that the difference between companies that use data effectively and those that do not—that is, between leaders […]
[informatiquenews] BigDataFr recommande : Les bases de données au pied du cloud
BigDataFr recommande : Les bases de données au pied du cloud […] Près de 80 % des ventes de bases de données se font en mode traditionnel, c’est-à-dire dans le data center sur le site de l’entreprise, on-premise. Dans moins de 5 ans, cette proportion tomberait à moins de 30 %. Le marché des bases […]
[Paris Innovation Review ITV Arnaud Contival] BigDataFr recommends : Data scientists: who are they? And what do they do?
BigDataFr recommande : Data scientists: who are they? And what do they do? […] Paris Innovation Review – The term “data scientist” was almost unknown ten years ago. In 2017, it almost seems too broad, considering the different specialties that have emerged. Arnaud Contival – The term keeps a certain consistency, but the field around […]