Événement Big Data : 30 mai 2017 – MATLAB Expo France, une journée unique pour le Data Analytics et le Machine Learning. Conférence gratuite – inscription obligatoire : cliquer ici Vous vous intéressez aux thématiques du Big Data, Machine Learning, aux algorithmes d’analyse prédictive ou encore aux avancées en matière de Deep Learning ? Venez […]
[Backchannel] BigDataFr recommends: Alien Knowledge : When Machine Justify Knowledge
BigDataFr recommends: Alien Knowledge : When Machine Justify Knowledge […] The new availability of huge amounts of data, along with the statistical tools to crunch these numbers, offers a whole new way of understanding the world. Correlation supersedes causation, and science can advance even without coherent models, unified theories, or really any mechanistic explanation at […]
[Microsoft Ideas] BigDataFr recommande : Intelligence artificielle : 5 chiffres-clés à connaître
BigDataFr recommande: Intelligence artificielle : 5 chiffres-clés à connaître […] 1950 : l’année fondatrice C’est en 1950 qu’Alan Turing, mathématicien et cryptologue britannique, a publié Computing machinery and intelligence, un article introduisant le test de Turing, censé déterminer si un ordinateur se comporte, ou non, comme un être humain. Encore utilisé aujourd’hui, ce test consiste […]
[ArXiv] BigDataFr recommends: Best Practices for Applying Deep Learning to Novel Applications
BigDataFr recommends: Best Practices for Applying Deep Learning to Novel Applications […] This report is targeted to groups who are subject matter experts in their application but deep learning novices. It contains practical advice for those interested in testing the use of deep neural networks on applications that are novel for deep learning. We suggest […]
[Analyticsvidhya] BigDataFr recommends: 40 Questions on Probability for data science
BigDataFr recommends: 40 Questions on Probability for data science – [Solution: SkillPower – Probability, DataFest 2017] Introduction […] Probability forms the backbone of many important data science concepts from inferential statistics to Bayesian networks. It would not be wrong to say that the journey of mastering statistics begins with probability. This skilltest was conducted to […]
[Datasciencecentral] BigDataFr recommends: A Robot Took My Job – Was It a Robot or AI?
BigDataFr recommends: A Robot Took My Job – Was It a Robot or AI? […] There’s been a lot of contradictory opinion in the press recently about future job loss from robotics and AI. They range from Bill Gates’ hand wringing assertion that we should slow this down by taxing robots to Treasury Secretary Steve […]
[Analyticsvidhya] BigDataFr recommends: Feature Engineering in IoT Age – How to deal with IoT data and create features for machine learning?
BigDataFr recommends: Feature Engineering in IoT Age – How to deal with IoT data and create features for machine learning? Introduction […] If you ask any experienced analytics or data science professional, what differentiates a good model from a bad model – chances are that you will hear a uniform answer. Whether you call it […]
[Google Research Blog] BigDataFr recommends: Distill: Supporting Clarity in Machine Learning
BigDataFr recommends: Distill: Supporting Clarity in Machine Learning […] Science isn’t just about discovering new results. It’s also about human understanding. Scientists need to develop notations, analogies, visualizations, and explanations of ideas. This human dimension of science isn’t a minor side project. It’s deeply tied to the heart of science. That’s why, in collaboration with […]
[PLOS ONE] BigDataFr recommends: Night-time lights: A global, long term look at links to socio-economic trends
BigDataFr recommande: A global, long term look at links to socio-economic trends Abstract [… We use a parallelized spatial analytics platform to process the twenty-one year totality of the longest-running time series of night-time lights data—the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) dataset—surpassing the narrower scope of prior studies to assess changes in area lit of […]
[Dataconomy] BigDataFr recommends: Seizing opportunities with data-as-a-service products
BigDataFr recommends: Seizing opportunities with data-as-a-service products […]2017 is poised to be a year of opportunity for data-as-a-service (DaaS) products, as the rubber will hit the road for a large number of hyped technologies. Business intelligence has moved from the back office to the c-suite in many organizations and is now seen as a strategic must-have. […]